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It can be cut up to make 14 of them.

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Q: How many 3 over 10 centimeter segments are in 4 and 1 over 5 centimeters?
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How many 4 over 10 centimeter segments are in 6 and 4 over 5 centimeters?

There are 17 of them.

How many 8 centimeter lengths are in a meter?

Since there are 100 centimeters in a meter, and 100/8 = 12.5, there are 12 full 8 centimeter lengths in 1 meter, with 4 centimeters left over.

What is 2.9 centimeters as millimeters?

move the decimal one place over to the right. :]

How many 40 centimeter rods can Laticia cut from a 3 meter rodHow many centimeters are left over?

3 metres is 300cm 300/40 is 7 with 20cm left over

How big is a 1.3 centimeter tumor?

A 1.3 centimeter tumor is 1.3 centimeters, which can also be called 13 millimeters. This is a little over half an inch.

What is a centimeter scale used for and where is it used?

It is used to measure centimeters; a centimeter is a unit of length, equal to 1/100 of a meter. It is used all over the world.

How many 40-centimeter rods can Laticia cut from a 3-meter rodHow many centimeters are left over?


Which is bigger 1 centimeter or milimiter?

A meter is just over a yard. 100 centimeters make 1 meter. 1000 millimeters make 1 meter, so a millimeter is smaller than a centimeter. A centimeter is 10 millimeters.

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How many body segments compose the thorax of a grasshopper?

What does cenmeter mean?

Do you mean centimeter? A centimeter (or centimetre) is one hundredth of a meter (or metre). In other words one hundred centimeters make a meter. A meter is just over three feet long.

How to use metric scale?

Millimeter= 1/10 of a centimeter Centimeter= 1/10 of a decimeter Decimeter= 10 centimeters Meter= 100 centimeters Kilometer= 1000 meters A meter is just more than a yard. A kilometer is just over a mile. A decimeter is 3 and 15/16 of an inch. A centimeter is 3/8 of an inch. A millimeter is tiny. 10 millimeters= 1 centimeter 10 centimeters= 1 decimeter 10 decimeters= 1 meter 100 meters= 1 kilometer The metric system goes by tens basically. !

How many cells are in 1 square centimeter of your skin surface?

1 square centimeter of your skin's surface contains over 100,000 cells.