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Eight squares are needed.

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Q: How many 6 cm squares are needed to cover a rectangle with sides 12 cm and 24 cm?
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How can you use the common factors of 72 and 108 to identify all the squares that can be used to cover the rectangle?

The squares can have sides equal to each factor that is common to both numbers.

Does a rectangle have all congruent sides?

No, rectangles do not have congruent sides. Squares have congruent sides.

How many squares with sides that are 6 inches long are needed to cover a square with a side length of 30 inches without overlapping?

How many squares with sides that are 6 inches long I needed to cover a square with a side length of 30 inches without overlapping

How many squares with sides that are 6 inches long are needed to cover a square with a side length of 30 inches without overlaping?

how many squares with sides that are 6 inches long are needed to cover a squae with a side length of 30 inches without overlapping

Why are some rectangles not squares?

squares are rectangles because they are both four sided but rectangles are not squares because a rectangle doesn't have equal sides and squares have equal sides

What rectangle has for equal sides?

A rectangle can't have four equal sides. That previous answer is incorrect. The rhyme "all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares" can help you. The correct answer is a square.

Can you build a pyramid out of squares with the sides smooth?

no because it will be rectangle

How is a rectangle a rhombus?

The set of rectangle includes the set of squares (a special rectangle with all equal sides), and the set of rhombus (a special rectangle with equal non parallel sides).

Is a square a type of rectangle?

All squares are rectangles but not all rectangle are squares. The definition of a rectangle is a quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides, and 4 right angles. A square meets both of these criteria, so it is categorized as a rectangle. But since a square has to have four even sides and a rectangle has to have two larger sides and two smaller sides it cannot be a square

Is a sqare always a rectangle?

no, but a square is always a rectangle. You see, squares have 4 equal sides. Rectangles don't HAVE to have 4 equal sides, but one side is equal to the opposite. So, all squares are rectangles, but not are rectangles are squares.

What the difference between square and rectangle?

In math, are squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. Also rectangle have two sets of even sides and two sets of un-even sides. But all square sides are equal.

What size rectangle contains squares?

All rectangles contain a square in which all four sides of the square are the same as one of the short sides of the rectangle. All squares are special types of rectangles.