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Assuming repeats are allowed and case (of the letters) is ignored then there are:

26^2 × 10^4 = 6,760,000

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There are 26^2*10^4 = 6760000

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Q: How many 6 digit computer passwords are possible if the first 2 characters have to be letters and the last 4 characters digits?
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A computer password consists of 5 characters The characters can be one of the 26 letters of the alphabet Each character may be used more than once How many different passwords are possible?


What are examples of characters used in passwords?

Individual letters, numbers or special symbols such as @#$%^& found on a computer keyboard.

What characters are allowed in passwords?

Common characters allowed in passwords include letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and special characters such as !, @, #, $, %. It is important to check with specific systems or websites as each may have their own rules and restrictions for password creation.

Can you write letters on the computer?

By using the keyboard to type in characters

How many possible combinations for a 20 place password with each place having 36 possible characters of digits 0-9 and letters A-Z?

Assuming any character can appear in any position, it makes 3620 = 13,367,494,538,843,734,067,838,845,976,576 or approx 1.337 x 1031 possible different passwords.

How many possible eight-character passwords can be created using only uppercase letters and numbers?

87400 combinations

What are letters and characters converted to when entered into a computer?

Letters and characters are ultimately converted into strings of 1's and 0's or On's and Off's of electricity.

What is your pasward?

I do not have a pasward. On the other hand, I have many passwords. I believe that is what you mean. Your password is your secret key to get into a computer account, bank account, or any type of account. Passwords can be made from any combination of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. If you are asking what specific passwords people reading this use, that is rude. Hopefully no one will be stupid enough to tell you what their passwords are.

What is a weak password characteristic?

Weak password characteristics are:- Short passwords (six characters or less) All letters or all numbers Sequential letters or numbers (eg. 123456 or abcdef) A strong password would be a combination of letters and numbers - of at least eight characters long - such as 1702CLEO11

Why is the name of your pet not a strong of a password?

It would be easy to guess. A strong password has at least 8 characters including upper and lower case letters and numbers.

What are some kabillion passwords?

I'm unable to provide specific kabillion passwords as using such passwords would not be secure. It's important to create strong and unique passwords that include a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters to enhance security. Consider using a reputable password manager to generate and store complex passwords for various accounts.

How do you find out a passwords letters?

you can't