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there were not very many but there group was caled tories there were not very many but there group was caled tories there were not very many but there group was caled tories

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what fraction of the colonists supported the revolution against the British

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one third

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one third

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Q: How many Colonists were in favor of the british government?
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For what specific reason did the colonists fight the British?

The colonists in British America felt that they were being ill-used by Britain, and that their rights to self-government and free trade were being usurped. The proponents of independence had many causes to be upset with King George III, as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence.

How did quartering troops impact the colonists?

The Quartering Acts were one of the many causes of feelings of agitation towards the British government pre-revolution. The dislike of quartering stuck with the Constitutional writers and is Amendment III in the Bill of Rights.

What supported the British argument that colonists should pay higher taxes?

Many colonists had become wealthy at a time when Britain did not have much wealth.

Why were the colonists upset with British rule?

they resented British rule because of the massive amounts of taxes that were levied upon them. They did not feel it was fair to have the taxes while not being allowed to represent the colonies in government.

What two choices did the colonists have concerning their relationship with Great Britain?

The two choices the colonists had were either to submit or rebel against British rule. As the relationship between the colonists and Great Britain began to strain, the British continued their policy of taxation without representation. This angered the colonials and ultimately led to the War of Independence. While many colonials had no choice but to surrender to British rule, it would be the rebels and patriots that rallied the masses against tyrannical British law in the colonies.

Related questions

Why did many colonistsfeel that the british government had no right to tax them?

Because the colonists weren't represented in the British government thus "no taxation with out representation!"

Why did the colonist get involved in this war and how the British government was involved?

The Revolutionary War started because of the colonists anger toward the British. The British taxed the colonists on many things and took complete control over the colonists so they fought for freedom and eventually the colonists won.

Which British policy convinced many American colonists to want to form their own country?

Answer this question… Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

What did the British government do to help pay the French and Indian war?

The British taxed the American colonists for far too many items.

Which British policy convinced many Americans colonists to want to form their own country?

Answer this question… Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

Which British policy convince many American colonists to want to form their own country?

Answer this question… Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

Why did many colonists believe that the british parliament to tax them were against their rights?

The colonists believed that since they had no representatives in the English government, That the government had no right to tax them. their rallying cry was" no taxation without representation".

Which British policy convinced many Americans colonist that they should form their own country?

Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

Many colonists became angry because they did not have any representatives in the British Government to vote on laws These colonists thought this was unfair and called it?

"Taxation without representation"

Many colonists believed the legislation passed by grenville ministry in 1764-1765?

Many colonists believed that this legislation meant the British were trying to take away their tradition of self-government.

What is one argument in favor of the Tea Act?

they were very inteleigent to beulsibve many thingf

What is the main idea of the conclusion of the declaration of independence?

The colonists state that they will no longer obey the British government.