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There are over 30 countries that are considered to be Third World. Some of these countries include Somalia, Yemen, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Zambia.

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Q: How many Countries are Third World?
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How many third world countries are in the world today?

There are 47 third world countries today.

What is the origin and meaning of 'the Third World'?

The term "Third World" originated during the Cold War, when several countries (primarily the US and the Soviet Union) were in constant political/economic conflict and competed fiercely with each other. The US and its allies, who were democratic and capitalistic countries, were called the "First World," while the Soviet Union and its affiliated countries were communist and were referred to as the "Second World." "Third World" was then used to describe all the other neutral or non-aligned (as in, not capitalist or communist) countries. However, in modern times, it is often used to refer to poor or socioeconomically less advanced countries. This is because the US and the Soviet Union competed intensely and made incredible advances in technology/education/etc. during the Cold War, leaving the Third World less advanced relative to them. Additionally, many Third World countries were former colonies, and were left to build their own nations/governments when imperialism ended, presenting a disadvantage in trying to develop as quickly as the First and Second Worlds.

How many countries are in the wourld?

there are 105 countries in the world

What is the meaning of first second and third world?

The first world, also referred to as the free world, refers to democratic and economically developed countries. It's also frequently known as the West, though it also includes other countries like Australia. The second world referred to Communist countries. The third world, also known as the developing world, refers to countries which have far less stable and developed political and economic systems. After the end of the Cold War the terms first and second world generally fell out of use, and the term "developing countries" is now used more frequently than the "third world," which is sometimes seen as an offensive term.

How many countries have veto power in world?

5 veto power countries in the world

Related questions

How many third world countries are in the world today?

There are 47 third world countries today.

Is it third countries or third world countries in a sentence?

Third World countries.

How many countries need help with money?

Many countries to, those are called 'third world countries'. There are a lot of them.

What are the traditional economic countries?

Many third world countries or developing countries have a traditional economy.

How many third world countries exist?

100's ...

What other term is used for developing country?

Developing countries are also known as third world countries. These countries are less industrialized than developed countries. Many countries in Africa and southern Asia are third world countries.

What does third world debt?

Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries. Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries.

What is third world debt?

third world countries which are in debt to countries which have more money and material. Third world is when devolving countries are in debt. countries like Africa which have no money or materials .

How many third world countries are there in the world?

Come to my house and I will teach you how to dance >:P

What are devoloping countries?

Third world countries, or countries that are considered poorer countries of the world

Are the Philippines and India considered Third World countries?

No. Phillippines and India are not considered Third World countries.

Is Ethiopia a third-world country?

Yes, but third-world countries are now called "developing countries."