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Q: How many Icelandic people eat whale meat?
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Do they eat minke whales in iceland?

Minke Whale meat is consumed in Iceland. Iceland hunts their own Minke Whales each year. Usually they sell it to Japan but some Icelandic do eat Whale meat.

How is a whale used by people?

for its meat

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Rotten Shark meat.

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Why is a killer whale endangered?

people kill them for their meat. it is illegal but people do it anyway!

Why do people kill whales at a whaling station?

Because people can make LOADS of money from the oil of the whale and also whale meat.

What do arctic people eat?

Whale blubber, fish and lots of meat!

Does a whale survive on shark meat?

no because whale is so not into shark meat

Where do people eat raw whale meat?

you need to stop being so nosy about where people live, whether they eat raw meat or not! yeesh!

Why do people want to hunt Killer Whales?

oil, meat whale meat is orca meat is actually quite tasty but these poor creatures are endangered

What is whaling used for?

When a whale is hunted, its meat is used for food. Occasionally, people will use the whale's blubber for oil.

Why does Japan sell whale meat?

Because they need whale meat for food, oils and other stuff.