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It is not known. Spartacus was not the only leader of the revolt and there are two divergent accounts of the rebellion and not enough figures of casualties. Spartacus defeated a praetorian militia of some 3,000 men at the battle of Mount Vesuvius. A group of rebels was defeated by a consular legion the battle of Mount Garganus and its leader, Crixus, was defeated. According to one account Spartacus then defeated two consular legions. This would amount to some 10,000 men, but there are no figures bout the number of casualties. According to the other account Spartacus defeated only one consular army and later was engaged by two legions further north in Italy and defeated them. The Romans had limited forces available to them because they were engaged in two wars, one in Spain and one in Turkey. Eventually, the Romans gathered a force of eight legions (32,000-48,000 men). Spartacus was defeated and 6.000 of his men were killed. He escaped, but was defeated again, with the loss of 12,000 men and 6,000 prisoners were crucified.

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it was said that Crassus crucified all the 6,000 survivors along the Appian Way from Capua to Rome.

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Q: How many Romans died in the different battles with Spartacus?
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What did Spartacus do?

he was a gladiator who escaped with eighty others. slaves escaped and joined him. he fought with the Romans and killed a lot of them. he ran south towards the tip of Italy. by that time he had thousands with him. he fought there. they lost. hundreds died. hundreds more were crucified. women and children were made slaves. Spartacus's body was never found.

When was spartacus born?

In 109 B.C. When was Spartacus Born? Good question - difficult answer! The Romans documented the slave rebellion led by the Roman slave but naturally the authors of the day wrote about their own commanders and their victories, so factual information about Spartacus is somewhat limited. So back to the question "When was Spartacus Born?". The most popular date given by historians for the year he was born is 109BC.

Who defeated spartacus?

Spartacus and his rebels were defeated by Marcus Licinius Crassus who was given eight legions to put an end to the slave rebellion. The rebels took a defensive position on the mountains of Calabria (the toe of Italy). Some rebel groups broke away from the main forces refused to flee the pursuing Romans and attacked them independently. Due to this breakdown in discipline, Spartacus decided to face the Romans in one last stand. His forces were routed at the Battle of the Siler River. Spartacus died in this battle. Crassus ordered that 6,000 surviving rebels be crucified along the Appian Way. Some 5,000 rebels managed to escape but were defeated by the forces of Pompey the great, who had been sent to provide reinforcements.

Who was the roman empire 79AD?

The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.The Romans actually had two emperors in 79AD. Vespasian, who died and Titus who succeeded him.

Why did the zealots attack the Romans?

The Zealots didn't attack the Romans. The Romans were going to attack but all the Zealots killed themselves. Over 960 children, men and woman died. Now, that's a different story. They believe the Romans attacked, or were going to attack, because the Zealots would, in a way, pull pranks on the Romans. The Romans got tired of living over 1,000 feet below the Zealots because it also gave the Zealots a advantage at numerous things.Hoped this helped!:)

Related questions

How did spartacus die?

Spartacus is thought to have died during thefinal battle of the Servile Warin 71 BCE. The remainder of his men were crucified by the Romans

What's country spartacus's died in war of the damned?

The gladiator named Spartacus led a slave rebellion that disrupted the normal life of the Roman Republic throughout what we now call Italy. The Romans were at first defeated by Spartacus because the Romans treated the rebels far too lightly. In the end the Senate appointed Crassus to lead Roman legions against Spartacus. He died in the fighting and many of his troops were crucified on the Appian Way which led to Spartacus' gladiator training city of Capua.

When did spartacus died?

71 BCE

Who came first spartacus or king leonidas?

Spartacus -- (edited on 8/12/2015) whoever wrote this answer has no clue. Leonidas I (ref. 300) was born 540BC, and died 480BC. Spartacus (the starz show spartacus) was born 111BC and died 71BC. Spartacus was born more than 300 years after Leonidas died, therefore Leonidas came first.

What did Spartacus do?

he was a gladiator who escaped with eighty others. slaves escaped and joined him. he fought with the Romans and killed a lot of them. he ran south towards the tip of Italy. by that time he had thousands with him. he fought there. they lost. hundreds died. hundreds more were crucified. women and children were made slaves. Spartacus's body was never found.

What does the word spartacus mean?

Spartacus was s Thracian slave who led a revolt against Rome. Died 71Bc

Where is Spartacus's buried and they never found his body?

He escape south and died near the twon of Jarusalem he was cremated so that the romans will think that he was still on the run not finding him anywhere ensuring the legant lives on even after his passing

When was spartacus born?

In 109 B.C. When was Spartacus Born? Good question - difficult answer! The Romans documented the slave rebellion led by the Roman slave but naturally the authors of the day wrote about their own commanders and their victories, so factual information about Spartacus is somewhat limited. So back to the question "When was Spartacus Born?". The most popular date given by historians for the year he was born is 109BC.

Who killed spartacus wife?

No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."No one knows who killed Spartacus's' wife or how she died. In fact no one even knows her name. She remains one of "history's mysteries."

Who defeated spartacus?

Spartacus and his rebels were defeated by Marcus Licinius Crassus who was given eight legions to put an end to the slave rebellion. The rebels took a defensive position on the mountains of Calabria (the toe of Italy). Some rebel groups broke away from the main forces refused to flee the pursuing Romans and attacked them independently. Due to this breakdown in discipline, Spartacus decided to face the Romans in one last stand. His forces were routed at the Battle of the Siler River. Spartacus died in this battle. Crassus ordered that 6,000 surviving rebels be crucified along the Appian Way. Some 5,000 rebels managed to escape but were defeated by the forces of Pompey the great, who had been sent to provide reinforcements.

Will Andy Whitfield be back in spartacus?

No, he died from cancer on September 11, 2011.

What was the significance of Spartacus?

The significance of Spartacus was that he was one of the lthree eaders of the last of the slave rebellions which occurred during the period of the Roman Republic. Historians call it the Third Servile War. The rebels managed to defeat Roman military units and ravage the countryside of parts of Italy to procure food for two years. They were then routed by Marcus Licinius Crassus who was given eight legions to put an end to the rebellion. Spartacus died in the final battle. There were not any further slave rebellions and Spartacus did not leave a lasting legacy. The rebellion did give the Romans a big fright.