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Q: How many amendments were added to the Bill of rights after being ratify three years later after the constitution was adopted?
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What role did the Bill of rights play in covincing states to ratify the constitution?

it played the ten amendments

What date was the fourth amendment adopted?

The first ten amendments to the Constitution - the Bill of Rights - were adopted when the Constitution itself was; in 1787.

Why did the Massachusetts ratify conventions propose that the bill of rights be added to the constitution?

They proposed a series of amendments to guarantee citizens' rights.

What promise did John Hancock make that had delagates ratify the Constitution?

John Hancock promised to have "The bill of rights" that had delagates ratify the Constitution. The bill of rights are amendments or rules that gave people rights for example the first amendment is the freedom of speech, religion, and petition.

Why did the writers of the constitution make sure amendments could be added to the constitution?

When the Constitution was first proposed to the 13 colonies, many colonies rejected it because it did not give them the freedoms or rights that they had demanded from the King of England. They demanded that these things be added to the Constitution before they would ratify it. To be productive and to get rid of the Articles of Confederation (the quickly drawn precursor to the Constitution), the Constitution was accepted on the condition that several amendments be attached shortly thereafter. Thus the Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787 and the first 10 amendments were adopted on August 21, 1789, which later became collectively known as the Bill of Rights. In summary, the writers of the Constitution made sure amendments could be added as it was the only way to quickly get the Constitution ratified.

What is the name given to the Amendments that were adopted by the states?

The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution is called the Bill of Rights. They were adopted at roughly the same time and all deal with the rights of individuals, or of the states, against the power of the Federal Government.

What is the bill of rights and who insisted on the creation?

It's the first ten amendments. James Madison and the Federalists insisted on its creation in order to ratify the constitution

Was the bill of rights proposed in an atempt to defeat the constitution?

No. When the Constitution was written it contained almost nothing that guaranteed any rights to the citizenry. Several colonies refused to ratify the Constitution until it did, so the first ten amendments were added.

What was related to the Bill of Rights?

The first ten amendments to the Constitution

What is the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the US Constitution.

What was the compromise made between federalists and anti federalists to ratify the constitution in 1788?

The Federalists compromised and agreed to add the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments), which was ratified in 1791.

When did the Bill of Rights make effect?

The Bill of Rights which is part of the US Constitution came into being in 1791 when the US Constitution was ratified by the new American nation. Originally the Bill of Rights contained 10 amendments.