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many animals eat meat including human beings

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Q: How many animal species eat meat?
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Is monkey a hebivore?

There are many species of monkey, most are herbivors and do not eat meat, however some species of monkey do eat meat.

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Can Jews eat venison?

Deer are a kosher species. If the animal is slaughtered and cooked in a kosher manner, then its meat (the venison) is kosher.

What is the name of the animal that eats meat?

The animal is carnivorous or meat-eater (or a predator).

What does a carnivorous animal eat?

they eat meat

What do vegans eat with meat in?

vegans do not eat no meat because it comes from an animal

Are cannibals vegetarians?

No, cannibals are a type of human or animal that eats its own species. They only eat meat, no greens. They are the opposite of vegetarians!

Who does not eat animal flesh?

Among humans, those who choose to not eat meat are known as vegans (if they are very strict regarding no animal-derived food product) or vegetarians (if they will consume some products like eggs or dairy). Among animals, there are a wide variety of species that do not eat meat - these are the herbivores.

What does it mean to classify what an animal eats?

This means whether or not the animal is an herbivore, which means they eat only plants, grains, grasses, etc., such as cattle, horses and sheep. A carnivore is one who eats meat. There are also some will also eat plant foods, as well as meat, such as humans, some of the monkey species and different bird species.

Could bears eat meat?

Yes, some species of bears can eat meat, such as fish.

Why do humans not eat lion meat?

you do not eat an endangered species.

What animal is a carnivore and doesn't eat meat?

foxes, bears, humans, Animals who move to eat meat and plant is an omnivore.