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1 mouse 2 seagulls and a tiny 1 cm elephant that farts rainbows into john lennons bed and it creaks "all night long"

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15y ago

over 3 million a year i think, i went on this website, and it said that hopefully im helping!

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Q: How many animal are killed for animal testing?
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How many cats are killed each year by animal testing?

In 2000, around 25,500 cats were killed from animal testing.

How many dogs die from animal testing each year?

In 2004, nearly 65,000 dogs were killed from testing.

How many animals are killed down to animal testing each year?

60 - 100 million.

Have more lives been saved than killed in animal testing?

animals are killed purposely so mostly killed

What will happen if people dont stop animal testing?

If animal testing continues the death of the these animals could follow. The death of these animals could lead to the imbalance of our environment.

When did animal testing change?

Animal testing constantly changes. It is closely regulated in many countries.

How many lives are saved by animal testing a year?

millions of lives are saved by animal testing

What is the befits of animal testing?

Many people argue that the wonderful gift of medicine wouldn't be here without the help of animal testing, however some people are asking for animal testing to be banned, because of how many die from it.

What is scientific animal testing testing for?

Everything. Without animal testing certain products, materials, and medications would have to be tested on humans. Many people don't realize that animal testing has the biggest part in the medical field. Without animal testing you would not have basic antibiotics that you get from your doctor.

How many animal babies are deformed due to animal testing?


Do animal testing organizations protest violently?

Yes, Many animal testing organisations protest violently to get the point across

What happens to the animals used in animal testing?

Many people use animals for testing products such as toothepaste or makeup. They want to test them on animals because then they can find out if it causes irritations or if it is a good product to sell. They sometimes also use animals for testing drugs and fluids.