

How many babies does walrus have at a time?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How many babies does walrus have at a time?
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Related questions

How do walrus have babies?

Yes they have have babies.

How many babies does a walrus have?

A walrus can have one calf during childbirth. Over a walrus' lifetime it can have about 20 calves, about 1 every 2 to 3 years.

How many babies can a walrus have at once?

Walruses usually have only one calf at a time, although rare instances of twin calves have been recorded.

How many babies does a walrus have a year?

Type your answer here... they have one baby every 2-3 years.

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yes along with human babies

Do walruses have babies alive?

Yes. How do you think there are walrus living today?

How many walrus species are there?

2, the atlantic walrus and the pacific walrus

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I think it is a Walrus

Do walrus have babies?

yes because if they didn't give birth then they wouldn't exist.

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How many types of walrus are there?

2 the alantic walrus and the pacific walrus

How many syllables has walrus?

Walrus has two syllables.