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there are around 300 boys who live in sparta, one however has a winky

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Q: How many boys lived in Sparta?
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250,000 slaves lived in Sparta in 400 B.C.

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Who is they. The citizens of Sparta lived in Sparta. The citizens of Athens lived in Athns. Each preferred their own city, which is why they were citizens of that city.

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How many people lived in Sparta in 400 bc?

Even counting its helots, Sparta's population did not come anywhere near Athens' quarter million.

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Sparta was a rural society. The city was more like a collection of villages. It lived frugally on its produce rather than on trade.

How many people lived in Sparta?

40000 free and slaves 30000 free 10000 slaves

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In what way did a boys life in athens differ from a boys life in Sparta?

athenian boys went to school ;spartan boys served in the military

What is Sparta's strength?

Spartas Strength is the Military, when the boys are first born they put them outside for a night with no food or water and if they lived the were strong and made to be a Warrior for sparta. The Spartans focused on their military and the Athens were more foucused on their Acedemics and worked on military too.