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You burn 1 calorie per minute. Or in other words, you will burn 60 calories an hour and this is while sleeping. So if you eat 1400 calories in 24 hrs, and you burn 1400 calories every 24 hours, you'll stay at the same weight. So what you should do is try to burn 500 extra calories throughout the day. By the end of the week, you will have burned 3500 calories, equivilent to 1 lb. of fat.

Hope this helps you!!

Melanie S.

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14y ago
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It depends on your age, height, and weight. Also, the more exercise you do, and the higher your metabolism, the more energy you will burn just doing nothing. For example, a 21 year old female, with a height of 170cms and a weight of about 60 kilos, will burn around 5000 kilojoules a day, just through metabolic processes. Of course, this may differ from person to person, depending on their lifestyle and amount of activity.

There are plenty of websites available that roughly calculate how many calories or kilojoules you burn each day, with and without exercise.

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