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The number of calories that mantain your body weight depends on many factors - your age, muscle mass, your activity level, etc. If you eat a healthy, balanced diet, and eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full, you needn't be concerned with your caloric intake.If you are trying to lose weight you should exercise regularly - try to walk/run at least several miles a week. Weights are great because your metabolism increases as your muscle mass increases. Power yoga is a great way to exercise too (there are lots of ways to exercise, find what works for you. there are videos that teach you how to breakdance, for example. Go on Google and search and I am sure that you will find something cool).99% of the diets out there are useless. If you feel that you need to follow some sort of structured eating plan look at the exchange system used in diabetic diets. Eat 4-6 small meals a day and whenever you eat carbs. eat protein or fat as well. You don't need to cut carbs - just eat whole wheat, brown rice, stuff like that (instead of white flour, sugar). Veggies need to be a big part of your diet. And don't be afraid to pair them with some lo-fat dressing (fat is an essential part of your diet - however, watch your portions and try to use mostly unsaturated fat, which you can find in nuts, oils, etc.)If you are unsure of portion sizes, use measuring cups and/or a food scale until you get used to what the correct portions look like.Above all, focus on being healthy. Love your body no matter what you look like. If you exercise regularly and eat nutritious food, you will feel better mentally and physically.

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12y ago
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14y ago

The biggest mistake people make is trying to achieve weight loss through dramatic cutbacks in calorie intake. The body is magnificently engineered through evolution ("survival of the fittest") to conserve calories in times of famine. If you present it with a starvation diet, it will do everything it can to thwart your attempts to lose weight.

At your weight, the most effective strategy is to simply cut back to a normal level of calories--1800-2000 per day--and increase your physical activity. If you're already eating that many calories (and no more), then increase your activity. You don't have to go from zero to two hours of exercise per day. Start by going easy. For example, take a ten minute walk after every meal. It adds up. Increase the length of the walk if you have the time, or increase the pace of the walk until you find you are sweating. You'll be amazed by the difference this will make--and over time, you'll feel like doing more and more.

If you possibly can, add in some weight lifting. You can buy weights at any sporting goods store or at Target or Walmart for that matter. Start light--3 to 5lb. weights will do, and you can find a beginner routine on the internet. The beauty of weight lifting is that as you develop some muscles, they up your calorie burn capacity significantly.

A couple of suggestions: Plot out how you will use your calories ahead of time. It's easy to underestimate the # in a specific food--for example, a typical can of "Healthy Request" soup claims to have 70 calories per serving--but if you look closely, that's based on 2.5 servings to the can! If you know you're going to consume the whole thing (I always do) then put it down as 210. Then leave room for at least one "treat" per day. The idea is NOT to feel totally deprived--because that leads to. . .well, we all know what that leads to!

Good luck, and don't get frustrated if you "plateau" for awhile. Stick with it and give your body time to adjust to the new regime. I assure you it will, and your success will be far more likely to remain permanent if you go slowly and sensibly.

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13y ago

Loosing weight is not a matter of how many calories but of what food and exercise is taking place. Now I know you won't like this answer but counting calories normally does not help weight loss. Eating a lot less sugar and hydrogenated oils will help. Exercise frequently and stay away from processed food and you should loose plenty of weight.:)

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15y ago

everybody shouldn't take in more tha 2000 a day, but no less than 1800. I don't think height should matter

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15y ago

just look up BMR calculator.. get your BMR number and divide by 1.3. You need to enter AGE, SEX, HEIGHT & WEIGHT

good luck

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16y ago

It depends on your age and sex.

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13y ago

2000 you dont want to get fat

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Q: How many calories should you eat per day if you are 5''5' and weigh 193 and are trying to lose weight?
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Look up calories counters.www.caloriecount.about.comlook under tools

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you would die if you ate that many calories. to lose weigh find out how many calories you should be eating for your current weight and then find out how many calories you should be eating for your target weight. slowly inch your calories down to that target weight range. and really you should ask your doctor about weight loss. to see if you even need it.

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It depends on how many calories you are eating per day, your age, and wheather or not you are trying to lose weight. If your eating 2900-3000 calories you should be fine, if your eating around 1500 calories then that's too much to burn.

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It depends on your weight. It should be about 600 Calories per 130 pounds you weigh.

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if you weigh 145 pounds your daily calorie intake should regularly be around 2175 calories, so if you are active and have a high metabolism you should consume at least 3000 a day.

Im a 19 year old woman and you weigh 230 pounds how many caleries should you eat daily?

The amount of calories one should consume depends on if he/she is trying to lose, gain or maintain weight. It also depends on how active one is.

How many calories should i eat a day if i am 14 years old and i am weigh 158 pounds and my height is 5' and i am trying to lose wight?

1800 to maintain your weight. 1100 to lose 2 lbs per week.

Calulate "Your" Daily Calorie Intake?

The recommended daily calorie intake is different for men and women. In order to maintain a healthy weight, men should not consume more than 1,800 calorie a day. The number of allotted calories for women is slightly lower at 1,200 daily. The number of calories you eat daily determined how much you weigh. It is important to calculate your own personal calorie intake based on your weight, body type and physical activity level. If trying to lose weight, then the amount of calories consumed needs to be reduced. Your daily calorie intake should be increased if trying to gain weight.