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Q: How many carbohydrates can you burn doing 60 minutes of water aerobics?
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What are aquarobics?

Aqua aerobics or water aerobics are exercises (aerobics) done in shallow water or water that reaches about mid chest area.

Water aerobics and step aerobics are cardiovascular exercises?


What is aquarobics?

Water Aerobics

Water aerobics and step aerobics are cardivovascular exercises?

Yes. Water Aerobics and Step aerobics are a type of Cardiovascular exercises . Here is a source from A Cardiovascular Website. Some common examples of aerobics exercises include cycling, biking, jogging, running, swimming and dancing. You can also carry out your aerobic workout on different machines in the gym like treadmill, stationary exercising bike, stair-stepper etc. Recently, Step Aerobics, Dance aerobics and Water Aerobics are growing in popularity.

What water Fitness equipment do I need?

Resistance equipment is not necessary for water aerobics but it can be very beneficial. You can you balls and barbells as equipment for water aerobics.

What equipment is essential for water aerobics?

A bathing suit, of course, is essential equipment for water aerobics, something that is comfortable enough and flexible enough to work out in. Other equipment for water aerobics includes aquatic dumbbells and a buoyancy belt.

Do water aerobics or land aerobics burn more calories?

Water aerobics does help if one is really out of shape, but it is better to do the exercise on land, therefore burning more calories if you want to lose weight.

Is drinking water safe while doing aerobics?

It Can Give You The Stich! Thats Not A Good Thing! YES!!!! It is a very good thing it keeps you hydrated.

Can you do water aerobics in deep water?

Yes, but you need an aquabelt.

Do you ever fully submerge in water aerobics?


Should you wear sneakers for water aerobics?


How will I know my water breaks during water aerobics?

You'll feel it!