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All prokaryotic organisms are single-celled organisms.

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Q: How many cells make up a prokaryotic organism?
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How many cells make up an individual nitrogen-fixing bacteria?

Nitrogen fixation is a uniquely prokaryotic. This a one celled organism.

Is the water flea eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

The water flea is made up of many cells with many nuclei, therefore, the water flea is a eukaryotic organism.

Does the giraffe have bigger cells than a bacteria or just more of them?

Girrafe is an eukaryotic organism while bacteria is procaryotic. As we know that eukaryotic organism has larger cells than prokaryotic organism so girrafe has larger cells than a bacterium.

How many cells make up one organism?

It depends on the organism.

What do eurkaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not?

Eukaryotic cells have a nuclear membrane and many organelles, whereas prokaryotic cells do not. This is why prokaryotic cells are often referred to as 'simple cells.'

What is a organism that break down molecules to generate energy?

Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms break down molecules to produce energy.

How many kinds of organism have prokaryotic?

Domain bacteria and Domain archebacteria

Is an organism made os many cells a unicellular organism?

No. An organism made of many cells would be a multicellular organism.

What is a example of a prokaryotic cell?

Prokaryotic cells are cells that lack membrane bound cells and contain a single circular DNA strand. All organisms in the Kingdoms Archea and Monera are prokaryotic (bacteria and Cyanobacteria.) hope that helps

What do organs do to make up many celled organism?

Nothing, the "organs" of a many celled organism are themselves made up of cells.

Is a rabbit prokaryote or eukaryote?

A cat is an eukaryote because it is an animal.

Which cells are smaller eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

A prokaryotic cell is smaller because it has no nucleus and not as many organisms as a eukaryote