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The human cervical spine is made up of seven vertebrae. In fact, nearly all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae, even giraffes.

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Q: How many cervical vertebrae are found in the human spine?
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The cervical spine is made up of how many cervical vertebrae?

The cervical spine is made up of seven cervical vertebrae. These are numbered(C1-C7) and are the smallest of the true vertebrae. The third through sixth cervical vertebrae have characteristics in common. The first, second, and seventh are considered special cervical vertebrae, and have different characteristics.

What joint is found in the back?

Pivot joints are found in the spine at the first and second cervical vertebrae. Plane joints/gliding joints are also found in the posterior aspect of the vertebrae.

How many bones in cervical spine?

Seven. The first vertebra being the Atlas and the second being the Axis.

Each part of the spine?

The cervical bones (1-5) run from the base of the skull to the bottom of the neck, roughly. The thoracic vertebrae (1-12) run from the end of the cervical spine to the lumbar spine. The lumbar vertebrae (1-5) run from the end of the thoracic spine to the tailbone.

How many cervical vertebrae are there in a normal adult?

In a human it is 7 vertebrae that make up the bones in the neck. Additional "factoids": Giraffes also have only 7 vertebrae in their necks/cervical spine, the difference is each one can be ten inches long! Swans can have as many as 25 vertebral bones in the neck and amphibians can have only one. There are 7 vertebra in the cervical region.

What is another name for the back bone?

You back bone refers to the spinal column in the human skeleton. The spine is made up of 24 vertebrae and can be divided into three parts: the Cervical spine (top), the thoracic spine (middle) and the lumbar (lower back).

What kind of spine has 7 bones?

The cervical region of the spine contains 7 vertebrae. The best motion in this are is rotation. C1 (the atlas) and C2 (the axis) are specialized bones of rotation.

What is the name of the spine in the neck?

At the very top of the spine are the atlas and axis vertebrae. Beneath them are the cervical vertebrae of the neck, which connect to the dorsal vertebrae of the back. Next are the lumbar vertebrae near the base of the spine, which terminate at the sacrum and coccyx.

Bones in your spine?

No, there are not 6 bones in the human spine. There are actually 33 vertebrae in 5 regions. These regions include: cervical (7 bones), thoracic (12 bones), lumbar (5 bones), sacral (5 fused bones), and coccygeal (4 fused bones).

Which part of the spine is the thoracic spine?

There are three parts of the spine, the cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Each vertebrae is listed by its number. For example the first 7 vertebrae (from the top) are listed as C1-C7 meaning C for cervical. The thoracic vertebrae starts after C7, the 8th vertebrae is T1-T12, so there is 12 individual vertebraes in the thoracic spine. After the thoracic, is the lumbar which have 5 individual vertebrae, L1-L5.

Where are the vertebrae in a human body?

The spine is made up of vertebrae.

How many vertebrae in a dog's spine?

Dogs have a total of thirty vertebrae in their spines. They have seven cervical vertebrae, thirteen thoracic vertebrae, seven lumbar vertebrae and three sacral vertebrae.