

How many children do ostriches have?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How many children do ostriches have?
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How many ostriches are in Africa?


He counted a total of 75 heads and 214 legs. How many horses and how many ostriches does old McDonald have?

He has 32 horses and 43 ostriches.

How many ostriches would it take to build a raft?

It would depend on whether you were training ostriches to use floating materials, or whether you were trying to make a raft out of ostriches (either would be difficult or impossible).

Do ostriches hibernate.?


What is the collective term for ostriches?

A pride of ostriches

A group of ostrich are called?

Groups of ostriches are called herds or flocks. Ostriches generally wander around in groups of five or less, they are considered nomadic.

Are owls the biggest bird?

No they are not. Ostriches are according to many scientific websites.

How many feathers do a ostrich need to fly?

Ostriches can't fly.

Where do ostriches go for migration?

Ostriches generally don't migrate.

When was A Deal in Ostriches created?

A Deal in Ostriches was created in 1894.

What country do ostriches live in?

Ostriches Origanlly came from Africa. You may find Ostriches here in Austraila, but not in the wild.

What are some animals that are in Pakistan?

There are some Snow Leapords, Camels, Ostriches, and many many more!