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Each parent donates 23 chromosomes to fertilization process however only the male can determin the sex.

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7y ago
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9y ago

The human egg and sperm cells carry 23 chromosomes. These cells are considered haploid cells containing half of the number of chromosomes of other human cells.

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13y ago

There are 23 chromosomes in each the sperm and the egg. When they fuse, the resulting embryo will have 46 chromosomes.

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12y ago

Gametes [sperm/egg] contain 23, so that once they unite they will have the normal 46, half from the mother and half from the father.

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How many chromosomes does the male sex cell contain?

The sperm cell contains 23 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are in either a sperm or an egg?

23 in a sex cell

How many chromosomes would except to find in a sperm cell?

23 chromosomes in gamaete cells (sex cells)

How many chromosomes does a dog sperm cell have?

A dog sperm contains 39 chromosomes. A dog somatic (non-sex) cell contains 78 chromosomes.

Why do males produce two different gametes with respect to sex chromosomes?

Males have two different sex chromosomes, X and Y. Each sperm only carries half the amount of chromosomes of normal (non-sex) cells. This is so that when sperm and egg combine, the new organism has the correct number of chromosomes, half from each parent. So each sperm will carry 22 autosomes (non-sex chromosomes) and either an X or Y chromosome - because this is half the male's genetic information.

Which type of cells contains 23 single chromosomes?

The type of cells that contain 23 single chromosomes are sex cells. The females would carry ova in the ovaries and the males will carry sperm in the testicles.

Why does the male determine the sex of a child?

Because males carry both the X and Y chromosomes in their sperm, they are the deciding factor when it comes to the sex of the baby. Unlike females who only carry the X chromosome.

How many chromosomes does the sperm call contain?

1 - it determines the sex if it fertilises the ovum

How many chromosomes would be found in turkey's sperm cells?

A turkey has 80 chromosomes, so its sex cells will have 40 chromosomes.

How many c hromosomes are in a human GAMETE?

21 somatic chromosomes + 2 sex chromosomes (XX in an ovum or XY in a sperm).

How many chromosomes in a human sex cell ( sperm or egg )?

23 (23+23=46).

How do autosomal chromosomes different from sex chromosomes?

autosomal chromosomes carry diverse info sex chromosomes determine an individual's sex ---- ok, that is some other dude's answer, now here is mine: the autosomal is all the chromosomes, except for the sex chromosomes. so, in a sense, the autosomal has nothing to do with the sex chromosomes. sex chromosomes determine the offspring's sex, as the guy above said it. autosomal is simply all of the other chromosomes ----- For A+ the answer is "Autosomal chromosomes carry diverse information; sex chromosomes determine an individual's sex."