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Most large towns and cities had a castle , examples are londonium , exeter , ect. I am not sure how many.

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Q: How many concentric castles were built in Britain?
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Are there different castles?

Yes, there are many different types of castles. There are motte and bailey castles, concentric castles and stone keep castles. They were built all over England by King William in the 11th and 12th century.

What are the pros and cons of concentric castles?

there were many layers

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Concentric castles were the next follow on from stone keep castles. Concentric castles, in Britain, are most associated with Edward I and North-West Wales where a series of huge castles were built. The most famous concentric castles are at Harlech, Beaumaris, Caernarvon and Conway. Unlike square keep castles, concentric castles had no central keep. In many senses, they had no centre either as all parts of the castle would have been considered to be a strong point. Each concentric castle had a very heavily defended entrance and the central core was defended by a series of curtain walls. The furthest of the curtain walls would have been the smallest in height to allow the defenders to see an approaching enemy. The curtain wall nearest to the castle would have been the highest to give the defenders the maximum height advantage over those attempting to take over the castle. JAJAJA

Why were Concentric Castles better than Motte and Bailey castles?

Concentric castles were better than Motte and Bailey castles because concentric castles were made out of stone and Motte and Bailey castles were made out of wood. Stone's better than wood for these reasons: * Wood catches fire easily * Wood rots within a few years * Wood's lighter making it easier to knock down Even though stone is better than wood in those many ways, wood's cheaper and, as explained above, is lighter. The wood being light means that it's easier to built.

How many rooms did the concentric castle have?

concentric castles could have 3 rooms on each floor it also has a underground where the duguon is kept

Where are concentric castles?

in england

What were different castles between 1066 and 1500?

In the year of 1066 during the invasions of Britain Scotland and Wales castles were built in every realm to defend the city or town there these realms are now called counties of england scotland and wales such as essex wessex sussex etc

What are three of the medieval castles names?

There are many types of Medieval castles including concentric castles and motte and bailey castles To view more information on the different types of castles there are click on the related links listed below.

Why were catles built in the first place?

Castles were first built in the form of motte and bailey castles. They were built just after the battle of hastings in 1066 by King William all around the country. Motte and bailey castles were made out of wood so they burnt easily and rot quite quickly. Many people were angry at him for killing their past King. He built them to try and reduce the amount of rebellions. Williams soldiers scared people into doing what he wanted. After a few years some of the castles were changed into concentric castles. These were made out of stone and didn't burn easily and doesn't rot quickly.

How old are Stone Keep Castles?

Stone Keep castles (Stone castles) are quite a few centuries old. They were built in the 11th century by King William I (William the conqueror) not long after he took over Britain after the battle of hastings. Stone castles however, weren't the first castles William built in Britain. He first built Motte and Bailey castles. The reasons for this were that they were cheap and easy to build as they were made out of wood. He decided to build Stone castles to replace many of the Motte and Bailey castles for many reasons including these: * Stone castles don't burn * Stone castles don't rot within a few years but will carry on standing for centuries to come * Stone castles were heavier, making them much stronger

How many Norman castles are there in great Britain?


What type of castle is Lancaster Castle?

Lancaster is a medieval (gothic) castle. Many castles in Great Britain were built on places of original Roman fortresses.