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Q: How many countries did the USSR control during the Cold War that did not gain their independence?
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Countries that were under the Soviets control during the Cold War.

What is the impact of cold war in Africa?

Europeans heavily colonized many of the different countries in Africa. During the time of the cold war, there was a string of independence movements from many of the different countries in Africa with Libya being the first in 1952.

Why during World War 2 was the Soviet Union with the Us BUT during the Cold war they were against us?

Stalin wantd to control all countries around the Soviet Union, but the US and free world countries interferred with his efforts...................

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What two countries were the world powers that competed during the cold war?

The USA and USSR competed during the cold war

How many countries did the USSR control during the cold war?

Twelve countries were under the control of the USSR, these countries being... Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. === === === === === ===

Who was led by a dictator during the cold war?

Many countries were led by dictators in the Cold War .

Why was the soviet union able to control and invade so many eastern European countries during the cold war?

They didn't exactly invade those countries. Most of it was done through trade agreements and defense pacts.

What European countries sided with the us during the cold war?

my bum

Which two countries were on opposite sides of the Cold War?

The United States and the Soviet Union were the two countries on opposite sides during the Cold War. The Cold War ended in 1991.

Why was the city of Berlin such an impact on during the cold war?

Because it was a divided city with various sectors under the control of different countries and located in an area controlled only by the Soviet Union.

How India become secular?

India won independence in the the 1900s during the age of decolonization during the time of the cold war by the british