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a giant panda has one cub at a time.
The Giant Panda usually has one, sometimes two very small cubs. A single cub requires all of the mother's attention. If she has more than one in the wild, she will almost always focus completely on just one of the cubs, essentially abandoning the second one. In captivity a process to save all siblings has proved very successful. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

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Pandas frequently have twins but, as the mother can only produce enough milk to feed a single animal, the weakest of the twins will probably die.

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One cub at a time

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Q: How many cubs can giant pandas have at once?
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What are some giant panda facts?

Giant Pandas are native to south central China. Female giant pandas usually give birth only once every two years. Giant Pandas live between 14 and 30 years in the wild.

How many babies can giant panda have?

The Giant panda is an animal endangered species. They habitats are limited to certain regions of the provinces Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu in China. Female pandas ovulate only once a year and after a period of 60 to 160 days of incubation, they can give birth to two cubs, however, normally only one of them survives.

How many days a year do giant pandas mate?

About 3 months, March to May. Then in August to September, cubs are born. If a mother has twins, usually only one survives. Hopes this helps! :D

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Do panda cubs eat bamboo?

Panda cubs are born in a den and are nursed for several months. Once they reach about six months old panda cubs can begin to eat bamboo although milk remains their primary source of food. Once they reach about one year of age, pandas only eat bamboo.

Do pandas leave their mate after mating?

Yes, once a male has mated with a female, he leaves. He does not stick around to help care for the cubs.

How often does a panda bear mate?

Once a year Giant pandas reach breeding maturity between four and eight years of age. They may be reproductive until about age 20. Female pandas ovulate only once a year, in the spring. A short period of two to three days around ovulation is the only time she is able to conceive. Calls and scents draw males and females to each other. Female giant pandas give birth between 95 and 160 days after mating. Although females may give birth to two young, usually only one survives. Giant panda cubs may stay with their mothers for up to three years before striking out on their own. This means a wild female, at best, can produce young only every other year; in her lifetime, she may successfully raise only five to eight cubs. The giant pandas' naturally slow breeding rate prevents a population from recovering quickly from illegal hunting, habitat loss, and other human-related causes of mortality. found here :

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What part of china do pandas live in?

There is only one place where giant pandas live in the wild: high in the mountains of central China. There, they live in cold and rainy bamboo forests that are often misty and shrouded in heavy clouds. Once upon a time, giant pandas lived in lowland areas. However, as people built more and more farms and cities on that land, the giant pandas were forced up into the mountains. Today, they live at elevations of 5,000 to 10,000 feet.

What kind of food does a panda eat?

Panda cubs are born in a den and are nursed for several months. Once they reach about six months old panda cubs can begin to eat bamboo although milk remains their primary source of food. Once they reach about one year of age, pandas only eat bamboo.

When do giant pandas give birth?

The mating season takes place between March and May

What is a giant pandas food chain?

Like any animals Giant Pandas have "typical" food and a "once in while" food. Their diet is over 99% bamboo. Occasionally eat other plants such as grasses, wild tubers. Very rarely they eat meat, birds, rodents if they can catch then but also carrion if they find it..So the principal food chain is "Bamboo -> Panda" Dead pandas ay be eaten by carnivores, rodents or insects.