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Seven Days after Ovulation period Seven Days after Ovulation period

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Q: How many days before periods does you know that U are pragnent?
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How soon can you know you are pregnant?

You can know the pregnancy status before the due date of periods. It is expensive. There is no advantage to know it before ten days of missed periods.

How will you know when your period comes?

You know when your period comes because there will be blood! Sometimes this is pink or brown spotting for a few days before you will see full blood flow, you may also experience symptoms such as cramps a few days beforehand. Typically periods will come every 28 days - but this can vary slightly from person to person, some will get periods every 21 days where as others may get periods every 57 days - it's also normal for periods to be irregular at first. Keep track of your periods on a calendar so you can see when a pattern starts to emerge, also watch for symptoms such as heavier discharge that can start just before your period is due to start.

How do you know when you are fertile enough to get pregnant?

after you have finished with your periods and before the next periods starts .

How do you know if pregnant if 3 days before period with heaviness and pain in breasts with low backache?

Pregnancy in the first trimester does not cause backache -- but periods sure do!

I got your periods after 40 days but it is not like the usual periods does this mean you are pregnant?

You should ask a doctor. I do not know. Sorry.

Can you be pregnant and have a normal period which for the person is seven days?

No. You do not have a period if you're pregnant. My mother had 6 children, and she had her periods through 3 of the pregnancies - I don't know how long or "normal" her periods were (she died some years ago) but I do know that she was 5 months pregnant with me before she realized she was pregnant!

What day you got pregnant on?

Most pregnancies happen mid-way between your periods. If you know what day your period was due, count back 14 days. It might have happened 13 or 15 days before your period was due.

How many days is set aside as your free periods?

About five if you wait a while you'll know when it's coming.

How many days before your period should you go for a pregnancy test my periods are due on fourth so when should go for test?

There are no days before your period, when you already are pregnant. As soon as you are pregnant your next due period at the 4th will not come. When you are without periods for 2 months, it is very likely that you are pregnant. Many women don't know, that after 10 days after their last period, they are in a period of another 10 days that hey can become pregnant. Mostly it is only 7 days. So that means that 21 days between your period you cannot become pregnant. Short: Period + 10 days free. + 8 days pregnancy possible. + 10 days free. Dr. Phylopi

How many days it will take to get periods after taking unwanted tablet?

Ok this is a hard to answer question people. I truly don't know the answer cause I'm just learning about periods myself. Sorry to disappoint y'all in any way . I don't know.

What if your periods are not regular and you don't know when your last missed period is how far along do you need to be before a home pregnancy test will show?

You can reliably test 14 to 16 days after you had sex. If you go to a Dr and get a blood test they can tell sooner.

Do mindless behavior know what periods are?

Yes they know what periods are but i dont think they care