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On average 4/20 peopel run the red lights

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Q: How many drivers run red lights?
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Why is it unsafe to run red lights?

n123 rules n123 rules

How often do you run red lights?

this question can not be answered because there is no data available

Is it illegal to run amber triffic lights?

It is not illegal to run through amber traffic lights if they are the flashing amber lights. Amber lights that occur just before red lights are not illegal to run through, but caution should be observed. A sudden burst of speed to get through the light could cause an accident.

Can you get flashed by a camera on traffic lights?

Yes if you run a red traffic light (in the UK)

Are you allowed to run red lights if your in a funeral line with no police escort?

No, this is not permited in Canada for sure!

What are the blue lights on traffic lights in Florida?

They are "Confirmation Lights" which are the WHITE or BLUE light located directly above a Traffic Signal and are utilised by the Police to detect "Red Light Runners".It is "lit" when the lights are on Red.This allows the Police to see if anyone has run the red light.

How many train drivers are there in Germany?

0. computers run them.

Why car run mostly keeping head lights on?

The head lights are called running lights and they make a car more visible to other drivers. This is really true if it is a light colored car and if people are using two lane roads at dusk.

What is a collision avoidance?

Collision avoidance lights are used to notify other drivers of a car's presence. They run day and night as an additional safety measure.

How many drivers will run out of gas each year?

half of the world

How do attitudes affect driving?

when your angry you tent to get impatient, speed and run red lights and stuff. it also distracts you