

How many eggs are needed to make 96 cookies?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How many eggs are needed to make 96 cookies?
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How many eggs are needed to make the cake using this recipe?

Please specify the recipe. Most call for 3 to 5 eggs, usually.

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If it takes 1.5 cups for each dozen, then 5 dozen takes 7.5 cups of sugar.

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usually 2 or 3 sometimes if they are not as fating 1

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Well many eggs are needed It depends what eggs they are If they are chicken eggs then you will need more than if they were goose eggs So that's your answer xD

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56 batches

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It takes 50 eggs to bake 90 cakes using a large commercial bakery's recipe how many eggs will be needed to bake 400 cakes?

222 eggs as 50 divided by 90= 0.55- so that is 0.55 eggs for one cake then times 0.55 by 400 and you get 222.22 -so that's 222.22 eggs for 400 cakes so you round it down to 222 eggs = 222 eggs are needed to make 400 cakes