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The element sulfur is element number 16, and has 6 electrons in the 3rd orbital level : 3s2, 3p4.

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Q: How many electrons are in orbitals in the third energy level of a sulfur atom?
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How many electrons are in orbitals related to the 3rd energy level of a sulfur atom?

The sulfur atom has 16 electrons around its orbitals. The third energy level is the most tightly bound to the nucleus.

How many p orbitals are occupied by electrons in sulfur atom.?

Sulfur has two electrons in the 1s orbital, two electrons in the 2s orbital, and 6electrons in the 2 p orbitals. The electrons are part of the first and second energy levels, the electron core. The next energy level, the last one, is the outermost energy which comprises the valence shell.

How many orbitals are in second energy level?

There are two sublevels in the second principle energy level. The s sublevel has one orbital and the p sublevel has 3, for a total of 4 orbitals.

How many unpaired electrons does phosphorus have in its 3p sub level?

3. Orbitals are filled one electron at a time, putt ting electrons into the lowest energy orbitals first. When there are degenerate orbitals ( having the same energy e.g. p and d orbitals) they tale one un paired electron each first and then and then any extra electrons are added into a half filled orbital to make a spin pair. P has a configuration of [Ne] 3s2 3p3 and there are only three p orbitals ( at any energy level)

How many electrons does sulfur have in its outermost energy level valence electrons?

Electron arrangement makes it easy to know the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms. Carbon, hydrogen, fluorine, argon, sulfur and magnesium have 4, 1, 7, 8, 6 and 2 electrons in their outermost energy levels respectively.

Related questions

How many electrons are in orbitals related to the 3rd energy level of a sulfur atom?

The sulfur atom has 16 electrons around its orbitals. The third energy level is the most tightly bound to the nucleus.

How many p orbitals are occupied by electrons in sulfur atom.?

Sulfur has two electrons in the 1s orbital, two electrons in the 2s orbital, and 6electrons in the 2 p orbitals. The electrons are part of the first and second energy levels, the electron core. The next energy level, the last one, is the outermost energy which comprises the valence shell.

How many orbitals are there for each level and the number of electrons?

1st energy has 1 sublevel -- 1 orbital -- 2 electrons 2nd energy level has 2 sublevels -- 4 orbitals -- 8 e- 3rd energy level has 3 sublevels -- 9 orbitals -- 18 e- 4th energy level has 4 sublevels -- 16 orbitals -- 32 e- Notice the pattern? number of orbitals = energy level squared Number of electrons = 2x number of orbitals

Why are orbitals of the same energy level degenerate?

The reason that orbitals of the same energy level degeneracy is due to similar molecular structure. The orbitals contains electrons that cancel each other out.

Which is the lowest energy level that contains d orbitals?

The lowest energy level that has F orbitals is the fourth energy level. The Atomic orbital of any atom only contains 2 electrons.

What does the 3 in the exuation 4p3 represent?

In s.p.d.f. notation, the first number is the main energy level (quantum shell), also known as n. In this case, n = 4, hence this is the 4th energy level we are talking about.The letter in the middle is the orbital in that energy level. There are s-orbitals, p-orbitals, d-orbitals and f-orbitals. Here we are talking about the p-orbitals of the 4th main energy level (i.e. the dumbbell shaped orbitals).The final number of the notation is the number of electrons occupying that orbital of that energy level. All s-orbitals can only hold up to 2 electrons, p-orbitals can hold up to 6 electrons, d-orbitals up to 10, and so on. The 3 in "4p3" is hence referring to the 3 electrons in the p-orbital of the 4th energy level.I hope that helps! :)

What is the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of a sulfur atom?

6 electrons

How many electrons can be placed in the second energy level?

8 electrons. The second energy level (n=2) has 4 orbitals. One s orbital and three p orbitals. Each orbital can hold 2 electrons of opposite spin.

What is the total number of electrons in the orbitals of each energy level of a HCl?


What does 3 in 4p3 represent?

In s.p.d.f. notation, the first number is the main energy level (quantum shell), also known as n. In this case, n = 4, hence this is the 4th energy level we are talking about.The letter in the middle is the orbital in that energy level. There are s-orbitals, p-orbitals, d-orbitals and f-orbitals. Here we are talking about the p-orbitals of the 4th main energy level (i.e. the dumbbell shaped orbitals).The final number of the notation is the number of electrons occupying that orbital of that energy level. All s-orbitals can only hold up to 2 electrons, p-orbitals can hold up to 6 electrons, d-orbitals up to 10, and so on. The 3 in "4p3" is hence referring to the 3 electrons in the p-orbital of the 4th energy level.I hope that helps! :)

Explain the relationship between electrons orbitals and energy levels?

Briefly:The electrons are in orbitals, each orbital can take two electrons and each electron would have an opposite spin. Orbitals can have no electrons, one electron or be filled with two electrons.Orbitals are arranged in energy levels. However, even in the same energy level different orbitals will have different energy despite being in the same main energy level.The energy level nearest the nucleus has 1 orbital: 1sThe next energy level, the second energy level has four orbitals: 2s and three p orbitals. The 2p orbitals have more energy than the 2s orbital. The third energy level has 3s x1; 3p x 3 and 3d x 5 however, the 3d orbitals have an energy which actually places them in the fourth energy level between 4s and 4p. It gets complicated.

What is the maximum number of dorbitals in a principal energy level?

1s orbital 3P, 5d, and 7f in discovered elements