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The sulfur atom has 16 electrons around its orbitals. The third energy level is the most tightly bound to the nucleus.

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Q: How many electrons are in orbitals related to the 3rd energy level of a sulfur atom?
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How many p orbitals are occupied by electrons in sulfur atom.?

Sulfur has two electrons in the 1s orbital, two electrons in the 2s orbital, and 6electrons in the 2 p orbitals. The electrons are part of the first and second energy levels, the electron core. The next energy level, the last one, is the outermost energy which comprises the valence shell.

How many electrons are in orbitals in the third energy level of a sulfur atom?

The element sulfur is element number 16, and has 6 electrons in the 3rd orbital level : 3s2, 3p4.

How many unpaired electron in sulfur?

Zero. Sulfur has six valence electrons, all of which pair up into three orbitals.

How many orbitals does sulfur have?

Sulfur has three electron orbitals. The first orbital contains 2 electrons, the second contains 8 and the third contains 6.

What is the first ionization energy of sulfur?

Firstly, you have to be familiar with the electron orbitals and how they fill. If you consider sulfur, you will notice that there are two electrons in its px orbital but only one in each of its py and pz orbitals. The two electrons in the px orbital are at different energies( one is higher than the other) and thus tend to repel each other. This repulsion causes the electrons to lose energy due to the fact that they are moving away from the nucleus and thus their attraction is lower. Therefore, the ionization energy decreases.

What is true about the electrons in a sulfur ion?

They have a charge of e. They are on orbitals. They are localized. The valence electrons are happy because they are in a circle of 8 good electron friends.

What is the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of a sulfur atom?

6 electrons

When sulfur reacts with other elements it does not lose its electrons but rather gain two electrons why?

Because sulfur's valence shell is more than half full with 6 electrons. I takes less energy for sulfur to gain 2 electrons than it does for sulfur to lose electrons.

What is the name of the hybrid orbitals used by sulfur in SCl2?

The name of the hybrid orbitals used by sulfur in SCl2 is sp^3. Valence bond theory predicts that SCl2 will have two single bonds and two lone pair of electrons on the central sulfur atom. This is exactly what you will see if you draw the Lewis dot structure.

How many full electrons does Sulfur have?

Sulfur has 16 electrons. It has two electrons in its first energy level, eight in its second energy level, and six in its third energy level, making a total of 16 electrons.

How many unpaired electrons are in sulfur?

The answer is two.Third shell of sulfur is occupied by 6 electrons:3s2 3px2 3py 3pzof which the first 4 electrons (in 3s2 3px2) are paired (superscipted 2 means 2electrons per sublevel)and the other 2 electrons are unpaired (3py 3pz, no superscript means 1 electron per sublevel).

What is the chemical state of sulfur?

in H2S the orbitals involved are s orbitals of hydrogen atoms and s and p orbitals of S(sulfur)The electronic configuration of sulfur is 3s2,3px2,3py1,3pz1 as there are six electrons in the outer most orbit. as there are two orbitals having two electrons each and two p orbitals having one electron each, the stable orientation is obtained by sp3 hybridization,two take pair of electrons as far away as possible and two sp3 orbitals having one electron each combine with s orbital of hydrogen to form single bond. this gives an bond angle greater than 90 but less than 108 as in hydrocarbons .the bond length is also explained by this.