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Argon has 18 electrons.

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Q: How many electrons does an atom of Argon have?
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How many electrons are there in an argo atom?

Argon is a non metal element. There are 18 electrons in a single atom.

Which sub levels contain valence electrons in the atom of argon?

Argon does not contain valence electrons.

How many electrons are in Ar- 18.?

Argon is a non metal element. There are 18 electrons in a single atom.

What do argon electrons do when argon forms a chemical bond?

they share electrons with the other atom they're combining with

How many electrons and netrons does argon have?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

How many electrons are in the outer shell of an argon atom?

The electron configuration of argon is [Ne] 3s2 3p6. From this, we can see that the outer shell contains eight electrons.

A chloride ion has the same number of electrons as a neutral atom of?


How many electrons does an atom of argon possess?

Same amount as the Proton count - 18

Number of electrons in argon?

In any neutral atom, the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons, and that is defined as the atomic number of the atom. The atomic number of argon is 18; therefore, each atom contains 18 electrons.

Number of electrons in argon- 40 atom?


How many protons and electrons does argon have?

i will say 18 neutrons and electrons

An atom of argon rarely bonds to an atom of another element because an argon atom has?

An atom of argon has a completely filled outer shell. If you know about bonding, you will get what I mean. The argon atom does not want to give or receive or give electrons because it is already as stable as possible.