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Carbon needs to have 8 electron in its outermost shell to have it completely filled, 4 more valence electrons than it has in the neutral for of carbon.

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Q: How many electrons does carbon need to have the outermost energy shell filled?
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How many electrons are in the outermost energy level of carbon and how many does it need to have this energy level filled?

Carbon has four electrons in the outermost energy level, which is energy level two. It needs eight electrons to have this energy level filled.

How many electrons are in the outermost level of carbon how many electron does it need to have fill this energy level?

Carbon has four electrons in the outermost energy level, which is energy level two. It needs eight electrons to have this energy level filled.

How many valence electrons does heluim need to have a filled outermost energy level?

Helium only needs 2 valence electrons to have a filled outermost energy level.

How many electrons does it need to have in the outermost energy level filled?

8 electrons

What are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom are called?

Completely filled octet.

The electrons that occupy the outermost filled shell are called?

Outer energy level electrons, or valence electron.

What are the set of 8 electrons in an atom's outermost energy level called?

Completely filled octet.

How many valence electrons does helium need to gain to have a filled outermost energy level?

0 It already is full

Why do atoms join to other atoms?

To become stable. When the outermost energy field is filled to maximum electrons, the atom is stable.

An atom with an incompletely filled outermost energy level is likely to be?

An atom with an incompletely filled outermost energy level is likely to be reactive. This is because it wants to acquire a filled outermost energy level.

An atom is stable when its outermost orbit is?

It is stable when filled with electrons.

Why is a helium atom stable with only two electrons in its outermost energy level?

helium has completely filled valence orbitals and hence is stable