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Sulfur will gain 2 electrons

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Q: How many electrons will a sulfur atom gain or lose to achieve a noble gas structure?
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What is the formula of the ion formed when sulfur achieves a noble gas electron configuration?

Sulfur atoms will gain two electrons in order to achieve a noble gas electron configuration. A sulfide ion has the formula S2-.

What must happen to a calcium atom for it to achieve a noble gas structure?

It must lose two electrons.

How many electrons does sulfur gain to achieve noble gas electron configuration?

A Sulfur atom has initially 6 electrons in its outer shell. To have a complete octet, meaning 8 electrons in the outer shell, it should gain 2 electrons, to form an S2- ion.

How many electrons does barium have to give up in order to achieve a noble gas electron configuration?

2 electrons as barium has 56 electrons so it will lose two electrons to reach the electronic structure of the nearest noble gas which is xenon 54 electrons

How many electrons does phosphorus have to gain in order to achieve a noble gas electron configuration?

Phosphorus has to gain a total of 3 electrons to achieve a noble gas configuration. You can find this for any non-metal because the last digit of its group number is the number of valence electrons it has. For example Phosphorus has 5 and Sulfur has 6. In order to achieve a noble gas electron configuration, you must have 8 valence electrons, so phosphorus must gain 3.

What must happen to a calcium atom for it to achieve noble gas structure?

It must give away two valence electrons.

Does group 2A gain electrons or lose electrons in order to achieve a noble gas configuration?

loses 2 electrons to achieve a noble gas configuration

How can a non metal element achieve a stable electron-shell structure like that of noble gases?

Nonmetals tend to gain electrons to form ions so as to obtain noble gas configuration.

How many electrons must be gained or lost for Iodine to achieve a noble gas electron configuration?

It must gain one electron to achieve a noble gas electronic structure, just like other halogens.

How many electrons does O need to achieve noble gas?

Oxygen should gain 2 electrons to achieve noble gas configuration

What must happen to a sulfur atom for it to have an electron arrangement similar to that of a noble gas?

Sulfur must to have an electrons octet.

What must have happened to a calcium atom for it to achieve a noble gas structure?

Calcium should lose 2 valence electrons and attain the noble gas configuration of argon with 18 elements.