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Hundreds and Hundreds but, there were 12 main gods

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Q: How many gods and goddesses were there in ancient roman?
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How many gods and goddesses in ancient greece?

There were 37 gods & goddesses in Ancient Greece

Were ancient Greeks Roman cathic?

No, the ancient Greeks were pantheistic. they worshiped many gods and goddesses.

How many Roman gods exist?

24 roman gods and goddesses exited

Why did the Romans make offerings to their Gods?

Gods and goddesses had always been a part of Roman religion of ancient times, as they spead out and other people became a part of Rome, those gods and goddesses became as Roman as the people.

Did Roman religion include many of the gods of Greeks?

Many of the Roman gods and goddesses had direct Greek counterparts.

Who were the Roman gods and why were there so many?

Roman gods were originally regional, as the Roman Empire spread and grew, these gods and goddesses were adopted into the Roman Empire.

What did Ancient Egypt beileve in?

The Ancient Egyptians had many gods and goddesses. They also believed in an afterlife. Their gods and goddesses included Isis, Osiris, Anubis, Bastet, etc.

Is such thing as greek gods or goddess?

There are many mythologies, including Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Judeo-Christian. Each has some form of deity. The ancient Greek religion, as with many ancient religions, was polytheistic; it included many gods and goddesses.

How many gods and goddesses are ther?

There are lots. Each religion has their own. Add to it the Greek and the Roman gods and goddesses. That's quite a lot.

Did the ancient Egyptians believe in many gods?

The number of gods and goddesses the ancient Egyptians knew of and worshiped has not been counted.

In ancient egypt gods were often represented as?

There were many gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt and the depictions of them very.

What do people notice about many of the Roman names for the Gods and Goddesses?

They are planets