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about.... 2 or 3 times

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Q: How many growth spurts do girls have?
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When do girls go through growth spurts?

at the age of 10

Do you have more than two growth spurts in your life?

It depends on the person. Most girls have two growths spurts (one in their early teens and one in their late teens). On the other hand, boys tend to have many growth spurts, some lasting in their early twenties! But again, everyone is different.

Do teenage girls have growth spurts at 16?

That'd be getting tad late, but it coulld very well happen.

How many growth spurts is a an average girl supposed to have?

Around two or three, that's how many I had!

How do you grow height in one day for girls under age of 15?

It is not possible to grow height in one day for girls under the age of 15. The rate of growth for children varies and growth spurts can occur but there is nothing you can do to force growth in height overnight.

When does growth spurts happen for boys?

It usually depends once a boy hits puberty they tend to have a growth spurt and some growth spurts happen at the most uncommon times they can grow until there up to 20live years old but normally they will have most growth spurts between 13 to 18

How many growth spurts do you have?

they are usually 15 or 16 years old

When do girls have their last growth spurt?

The last growth spurt for girls is after one year of puberty. Most of the girls have their growth spurts when they are 12. It lasts for 2 years. They grow 3 inches per year. Then the growth of girls slow down. Growth spurt happens when they are in tanner stage 3 or 4. After girls get their periods , they usually grow about an inch or two. You can calculate your tanner stage in growing up in the lord website.

How do yo get growth spurts?

wait. they come randomly.

Is there a way to cure people with growth spurts?

no they will die

Which part of the brain controls growth spurts?


What age do girls have a huge growth in their breasts?

Breasts grow a little all the time or they have growth spurts during a period of time. It differs between women. All that is sure is that it happens during puberty.