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about ten thousand, though of those sent to the camps for other crimes many may have been homosexual.

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Q: How many homosexuals were sent to concentration camps?
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Related questions

What groups were sent to concentration camps?

The groups that were sent to the concentration camps during the holocaust were Jews, Roma (gypsies), homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war, Jehovah's Witnesses and many others.

Did Nazis hate homosexuals?

Yes. The Nazis detested homosexuals and persecuted them, often on the basis of gossip. Many were sent to concentration camps, ill treated and murdered.

Explain the difference between concentration camps and gestapo?

Concentration camps were where the 'undesirables' were sent (e.g., the jews, homosexuals, etc.), whereas the gestapo was the secret police

Did the Jews and Homosexuals sleep in the same building during the Holocaust?

The relatively small number of homosexuals were mainly sent to ordinary concentration camps rather than the very harshest camps. Many homosexual prisoners were killed by fellow inmates.

What symbol did homosexuals have to wear during the Holocaust?

Homosexuals had to wear a pink triangle. However, many of the homosexuals in concentration camps had not been convicted of any crime, but were simply sent there by the Gestapo on the basis of gossip.

What religions except Jews were sent to Nazi concentration camps?

Homosexuals, gypsies, and anyone the Nazis deemed "feeble-minded"

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around 8 million families were sent to concentration camps in the holocaust and in which few made it out alive. ____ The number of individuals sent to concentration and extermination camps was lower than this ...

What is a sentence for concentration camps?

The Allies liberated many Nazi and Axis concentration camps in World War Two.The prisoners of war were sent to concentration camps.

How many people were sent to concentration camps in 1933?

there were about 3.000

In Nazi Germany were gay men sent to separate concentration camps from Jews?

Yes, is the simple answer. 'Gay men' in this case means those convicted of homosexual acts, this was a civil, domestic matter. Those convicted were sent to camps in Germany, like Dachau. Jews were sent to the east and when they were sent to camps they were most often in Poland. This does not exclude the issue that some Jews were sent to camps in Germany and some Homosexuals were sent to camps in Poland.

How many Jews were sent to Auschwitz from other Concentration Camps or Sub Camps?

According to numerouse sources and figures, Their's an estimate of 34,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz from other Nazi Concentration Camps or Sub-Camps. According to most Historians, it widely agreed that 33,734 Jews were sent to Auschwitz from other Nazi Concentration Camps or Sub-Camps.