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A forensic anthropologist will work varying hours depending on the project or who they are working for. An average of 40-60 hours a week would not be uncommon.

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13y ago

Depending on where you work, a forensic anthropologist works 5 or 6, 7-8 hour days but you are always on call

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Why people are hanged in the dark hours?

so that no one sees

Why is a great-circle route often used in navigation?

Since the earth is a globe, some air routes are shorter when the flight goes over the Arctic. Those flights take a part of the "great circle" and shave off hours of distance. In fact great circle routes are applicable anywhere on the globe because they are the shortest routes between any two points.

Which discovery vastly improved the aqulity of life for Homo erectus?

The discovery of fire vastly improved the quality of life for Homo erectus. Fire provided protection from predators, warmth in cold environments, and a means to cook food, which made it easier to digest and provided access to a wider range of nutrients. Additionally, fire allowed Homo erectus to extend their waking hours into the night, which increased their productivity and social interactions.

What is the slowest mammal on earth?

I'm sure its a three-toed sloth. They only come down from a tree once a week. Scientists who study sloths are always falling asleep - I'm not joking! Imagine watching a furry green thing do nothing for hours on end? The first thing a scientist who first saw the sloth said was: "I have never seen an uglier or more useless creature." But still their faces are quite cute I have to admit.

If the history of the earth occupied one year how long would human evolution be?

If we assume "evolution of humankind" to include back to the point of divergence from other apes, then we would use the rough estimate of 6 million years. Out of a 4.54 billion year old Earth, this is a proportion of 1:756.67, or 1/766.66.Dividing this into the number of days in a year, we would get 0.4824 days or 11.58 hours of human evolution for every year.

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What are the wages and hours of a forensic anthropologist?

They are not full time jobs usually and are more of a contract position. The average for this field is around $55,000 a year.

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How many hours per week a forensic psychology works varies. The average is between 20 and 40 hours perk week.

How many hours do scientists do work?

An average forensic scientist works a 5-day and 40 hour a week.

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Most forensic scientist work well over the normal 40 hour work week. Their hours vary depending on if more than 1 crime has happened in a week.

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