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20 hyenas can bring down an adult female African elephant.

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Q: How many HYENAS does it take to kill an elephant an?
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How many chickens does it take to kill an elephant?

2207 chickens

What predators of elephant?

Lions, hyenas. Etc. Anything strong enough to take it down. Also humans

Can a liger beat an elephant?

There are no wild ligers, so this would never actually happen. A single liger would not be able to beat an elephant. However, a group of ligers that knew how to hunt might be able to kill an elephant.

What animal can take down the lion?

Lions sometimes find their match when confronted with several hyenas and few will attempt to take on an adult elephant, giraffe, rhino or buffalo. Crocodiles will occasionally kill a lion in the water but the tables may be reversed on land.

Do lions compete with other animals for foods?

Lions at their kill have had a group of hyenas drive them off. It is a question of numbers: more lions in the pride, the less likelihood that hyenas would be able to take over the kill.

How many wolves does it take to kill a lion?

I would have to say between 8-13 hyenas would take on a Lion, and the upper amount being 12-13 would get the kill while losing half their pack.

How do hyenas take care of young?

how do hyenas care for their young

How many leopards does it take to kill an elephant?

Like 4 Maybe, depends on if the Leopards having any special conditions including retardation

Why do hyenas not kill their own prey?

It is a much believed myth that hyenas do not hunt and kill their own prey. They are also very opertunistic scavengers and it is always easier to just take what you need than to go out and earn it yourself. All animals in nature try to conserve energy.

Will hyenas hunt live prey?

Yes, they do go in groups to take down their own prey. Individually they kill offspring too.

What can be done to prevent elephant hunting in the future?

We have to more take care of elephants and we have to do not kill elephants.

How many bullets does it take to kill an elephant?

If you hit it in the right spot, just one. You could shoot a rhino in the leg 3000 times and it won't die. It also depends on the size of the gun and the bullet.