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less than 4000, more than 400, exact number classified.

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Q: How many megatons of nuclear weapons does Russia have?
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How many megatons of nuclear weapons in the world?

Very difficult to answer - since most countries are extremely secretive about the amount of nuclear weapons they have stockpiled.

How many nukes is 10 megatons?

B53 nuclear bomb is nine megatons No public data is out on how large the largest megaton nuke really is but there are claims and reports that it is over 100 megatons.

How many counties have nuclear weapons?

Currently 9 countries possess nuclear weapons; The United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea.

Does Russia still have nuclear weapons today?

Actually Russia now has 500 to 1000 more nuclear weapons than the USA due to limits set in the START treaty and they are higher yield, based on the fact that their ICBMs are less accurate than US ICBMs.

What do you think is meant arms race?

'Arms race' was the 'race' between America and Soviet Russia to develop as many nuclear weapons as possible.

Which countries have no nuclear weapons?

Only nine countries have confirmed nuclear weapons: United States, Russia (and several former USSR countries), United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel. All of these have conducted known nuclear tests except for Israel. All other countries of the world do not have known nuclear weapons. To see a breakdown of how many weapons each of these countries is believed to have, see the "related links" below.

What are harmful causes of nuclear weapons?

there are many harmful causes of nuclear weapons because whole hiroshima was destroyed of it

How many Islamic countries have nuclear power?

Answer 1If you are asking for nuclear weapons Pakistan is the only Islamic country who have nuclear weapons. However, Iran's nuclear program is rumored to be intending to create a nuclear weapon in the near future. Answer 2Pakistanis the only Muslim country having a nuclear weapon.Iran is never trying to have a nuclear weapon as the nuclear weapon is a kind of mass destruction weapons that are forbidden to use per Islam teachings (and other God religions) because this nuclear weapon kills the child, the woman, the old, and the plants and pollutes the universe.However, it is to be known also that also India, Israel, and North Korea have nuclear weapons in addition to USA, Russia, China, France, and UK.

Which countries have nuclear weapons today?

Many countries have nuclear weapons today including the United States. China, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan also have nuclear weapons.

How many nuclear weapons are in us?

as per today's update Russia has more than 3000 nuclear warheads(deactivated),1200 warheads ready for use. US has nearly 2400 nuclear warheads stockpiled and 400 nukes ready for use.

How many nuclear weapons does Iraq have?


How many nukes does Germany have?

They have no nuclear weapons