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The longest tornado damage path was 219 miles, but it did not destroy absolutely everything along that path.

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Q: How many miles can tornadoes destroy?
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Related questions

What tornadoes destroy?

tornadoes destroy house, cars, and tree.

Do tornadoes destroy houses?

Yes, strong tornadoes often destroy houses.

Would tornado alley destroy a lot of homes?

Tornado Alley itself is not destructive, but the tornadoes that frequent it can be. The tornadoes in Tornado Alley destroy many homes each year.

What can tornadoes destroy?

Tornadoes can destroy anything in their path. Some common things are houses. Tornadoes can also destroy cars. They can throw them far. They also can rip up fields or grass areas. Tornadoes are very destructive.

How do tornadoes affect the ecology of an area?

Tornadoes can destroy vegetation, especially in forested areas and destroy habitats.

How many houses can a tornado destroy?

Tornadoes can destroy as much houses as it can depending on the length of their path. Most tornadoes are too weak to destroy houses, causing mostly superficial damage. However, in the works cases a tornado can destroy thousands of houses.

Can tornadoes destroy houses?

Yes. Many houses are destroyed by tornadoes every year. The very strongest tornadoes rip houses from their foundations and scatter them to the wind.

Why are tornadoes good?

Tornadoes are not good. They destroy homes and livelihoods.

What do tornadoes create?

Tornadoes do not create anything; they only destroy.

What do tornadoes usually do?


What do most tornadoes do?

Tornadoes damage and destroy property and kill and injure people and animals.

How many square miles can a atomic bomb destroy?

An atomic bomb can approximately destroy 100 square miles.