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It's thought to be about 5 to 7 million years since humans and chimps shared a common ancestor.

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Q: When is the common ancestor of humans and chimps thought to have lived?
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Did humans evolve from chimps?

No. Both groups evolved from a common ancestor, which was neither a chimp nor a human.

Are humans and chimps the same species?

No, they aren't. Animals are animals, humans are humans. ------------- At some point, there must have been a common ancestor, but in modern times they are separate species.

Is it rue that humans have not descended from chimpanzees but do have a common ancestor with them?

Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees. According the the theory of evolution, all types of organisms share a common ancestor. Those "basic" species evolved into other species. So humans and chimpanzees are descended from a common primate ancestor Humans decended from a common ancestor, one of which evolved to the chimps and the other to humans. So we are therefore the 5th ape. All living things share a universal common ancestor as we are the products of evolution by natural selection. And there are skeletal remains to prove it.

If evolution is true then why there is no species excisting in between chimpansie and human?

Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees, rather both humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. A division happened with this common ancestor....some went on to become chimpanzees and some went on to become modern humans. There are common ancestors to both humans and chimps, but they are long extinct.

Which is closer to humans orangutans or chimps?

Chimps are closer to humans because we share a more recent common ancestor who lived around 7 million years ago. Orangutans diverged from us 15-20 million years ago.

Why is the DNA of humans and chimpanzees so very similar?

Because both have a very recent common ancestor. The branching/split point between humans and chimps is only about 6 million years ago.

What is the order in which humans evolved?

I think you're looking for a monkey-chimp-human sort of answer. However there is not a order in which humans evolved (and are evolving). Humans are most closely related to chimpanzees, followed by gorillas and then orangutangs.Not Orangutang->Gorilla->Chimp->Human.What I am saying is that the common ancestor of chimps and humans was around more recently than the common ancestor of humans and gorillas, which was more recent than the common ancestor of orangutangs and humans.After the close relatives you get monkeys then lemurs. Followed by rodents and then the rest of the mammals.

What is the 3 closest animals to humans alive?

The most closely related extant animals to humans are chimpanzees and bonobos. These are equally closely related to us, as they share a common ancestor together more recently (~1 million years ago) than they share a common ancestor with humans (~6-7 million years ago). The various gorilla species are the next most closely related to humans, sharing a common ancestor with humans, chimps and bonobos ~10-12 million years ago.

Did Darwin claim man evolved apes?

An 'ape' is any member of the Hominoidea superfamily, which includes lesser apes like the gibbon, and the greater apes, such as chimps, gorillas and humans. This kind of relation shows that all of these share a single common ancestor. This ancestor is what we evolved from.

What is a chimpanzee's eyecolor?

Chimpanzees have brown eyes. It is important to note that the most common human eye color is brown. Since Chimps and humans are genetically related, our common ancestor no doubt had brown eyes as well.

Do seals and humans share a common ancestor?

yes they do in facts share a common ancestor.

How are nucleotide sequences used to put organisms in evolutionary order?

When comparing nucleotide sequences in organisms, we find that the organisms that have less differences in their nucleotide sequences are closer related in the evolutionary tree. By this we mean that the common ancestor from which these two organisms evolved is more modern than the ancestor they might share with an organism that shows more difference in the DNA sequencing. Example: the chimps and humans share a common ancestor that is relatively modern because the difference in their nucleotide sequences is just about 1% but the differences between the nucleotide sequence of humans and fish shows lots of differences which shows their common ancestor y much older than the one with chimps.