

How many moons would it take to make the size of the sun?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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more than a million

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Q: How many moons would it take to make the size of the sun?
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Larger size seems to equal more moons. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are larger than Mars, and they have many more moons.

How does the size of planet seem to be related to the number of moons a planet has?

Larger size seems to equal more moons. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are larger than Mars, and they have many more moons.

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12 moons but two are the same size as Pluto.

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because of its size and gravitational pull it gathers many moons over years and years of rotation.there is no telling what happens on the other side of the sun when we are on this side.

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Both moons and suns, vary so widely in size that it's impossible to answer this. Very roughly a million Earths fit into our sun. The moon is 1/6 the size of Earth. Therefore, 6 million moons fit in the sun,

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It depends, both moons and dwarf planets vary in size, and size is not the basis of classification. The largest moons in the solar system, including our own moon, are larger than the five recognized dwarf planets, but many moons are smaller.

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Measure the angular size of the moon and divide 180 degrees by the angular size.

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There are 178 known moons that orbit planets in our Solar System. A lot more might be discovered - depending in part on the size limit you want to use.

How many planets the size of earth can fit in the moon?

none cause the moons smaller than earth

How many Pluto's would it take to make earth's size?

About 8 Pluto's make an Venus.