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it depends on what they are doing.

it will vary between the activity. also on how healthy the person is cardiovascular wise.

but generally if the two healthy and average person are just standing still then the more cardiovascular fit healthy persons heart will beat more slowly than the average persons. (no specific number.)

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Q: How many more times does a fit persons heart beat than the average person?
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How man time does an average persons heart beat a minute?

72 times

What is the average heartbeats per min?

The average persons heart beats 72 times per min

How many times does the average human heart beat in one minute when at rest?

Well it depends really wether the person has any arteries or veins have any blockages in them. But on average in a day the average persons hert beats 100,000 times. That put its at 4166 an hour. So about 69 times a minute. That's probley as close as you will get unless you conduct an experiment.

How many times does a human heart beat over a life time?

It depends on the person's heart rate and lifespan. Here's an equation to find out if you know those: B=525960ra B is the number of times the person's heart beats in their lifetime, r is the person's average heart rate in beats per minute, and a is the age of the person (in years) when they died.

Average of heart beats in one minute?

IT VARIES WITH EACH PERSON The average heart rate for a person at rest is anywhere from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

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depending on how long they live for but anaverage persons' live would normally say "i am" around 100 000 to 200 000 times

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It will vary depending on the person, but assuming an average heart rate of 80 beats per minute. The total is --> 42,048,000

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It varies person to person. But an average of 70 to 80 beats per minute.

How many times does a human heart beat in an average lifetime?

The average heart beats 80-100 beats per minute at rest. Therefore in a year it would be 42,048,000 - 52,560,000 just at rest. That amount would be increased depending on the amount of exercise that person does.

How many times does a heart beat in an average lifetime?

For an average lifetime, a heart beats for 4 000 000 000 times without stopping.

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