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In America there is a pie called american pie

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There are five sacral vertebrae. They are fused and form the Sacrum.

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24 vertebrae are movable

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Q: How many movable vertebrae in the spine?
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Is your vertebrae movable?

Almost all the joints between vertebrae are movable. The joints between the cervical vertebrae and lumber vertebrae have fairly good movement. Between thoracic vertebrae only you have less movement. But then they do move on each other.

The lumbar section of a typical human spine contains how many vertebrae?

There are five vertebrae, or bones, in the lumbar spine.

How many vertebrae are in a fish spine?


How many vertebrae are in a Shrew's spine?


How does the vertebrae protect the spinal cord also allow for movement?

Your spine is an elaborate unit structurally consisting of 33 vertebrae, 24 movable and 9 fused, and 23 intervertebral discs. In between each of the 24 movable vertebrae, except between C1/C2 (atlas and axis), discs are situated. These discs allow for the mobility, curvature, and shock absorption qualities of the spine. The vertebrae themselves are the main structures that protect the spinal cord via the posterior arch, consisting of pedicles and laminae. Therefore, the vertebrae protect the integrity of the spinal cord, but the discs are the structures responsible for the motion of the spine.

How many vertebrae in lumbar spine?

There are typically five lumbar vertebrae.

Which area of the spine has the most vertebrae?

The thoracic spine has the most vertebrae - twelve.

How many vertebrae does the thoracic segment of the spine have?

twelve, 1 vertebrae for each set of ribs.

The spine is compose of how many movable segments called vertebrae?

There are 5 cervical vertebrae (neck bones) and 12 thoracic vertebrae (in the rib cage area) and 5 lumbar vertebrae (in the small of the back) and 6 sacral vertebrae ( the back of your hips, and in adults are normally fused into 1 bony structure) and 3 to 5 coccyx bones (tail bones) Say, between 31 and 33 vertebrae, total.

What are the bony parts of spine called?

The bony segments of the spine is the vertebrae.

How many bones are in a baby's spine?

33 Vertebrae

How many vertebrae in a dog's spine?

Dogs have a total of thirty vertebrae in their spines. They have seven cervical vertebrae, thirteen thoracic vertebrae, seven lumbar vertebrae and three sacral vertebrae.