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Q: How many oxygen atoms are found in atmospheric oxygen found in the troposphere?
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What atmospheric layer is pollution found?

Atmospheric pollution is found in the troposphere. It is also containing the oxygen.

What are gasses only found in the troposphere?

oxygen and nitrogen

What gases are found in the atmosphere what gases are found in the troposphere?

About 90% of the atmospheric mass is in the troposphere. You can tell because 90% of the pressure increase occurs in the troposphere. Pressure goes from zero in space to 100 mb at the tropopause to 1000 mb at the surface.

Is the trophospere the layer of the atmosphere where most nitrogen and oxygen found in?


What make up the troposphere?

Several elements can be found in the troposphere. These elements are oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon, and even water vapor.

What gases are found only in the troposphere?

The atmosphere is primarily composed of Nitrogen (N2), which accounts for 78%. Oxygen follows, accounting for 20% of its volume, with argon less than 1%. The remainder is composed of particulates and trace gases, including water vapor.

What are Two Atoms?

two oxygen atoms are O2 this is how oxygen is found normally in the atmosphere

Is it true an oxygen molecule usually has two oxygen atoms?

YES!!! Atmospheric oxygen is a molecule of two(2) oxygen atoms , which are doubly bonded. It is structurally represented by (O=O). Oxygen has an allotrope, named 'Ozone' (O3). This is three oxygen atoms combined in a triangulr manner. Any one oxygen atom will make two single bonds to the other two oxygen atoms. Ozone ii naturally found in the upper atmosphere and is thought to protect Earth from some types of Solar Radiation.

How many oxygen atoms are found in one molecule of nitric acid?

3 oxygen atoms are found in one molecule of nitric acid.

What pattern does appear in the fatty acid molecules regarding the number of oxygen atoms?

The atoms are proportion is the pattern that is found in the fatty acid molecules. There are two oxygen atoms found.

Does an oxygen molecule has two oxygen atoms?

Yes, oxygen gas has two oxygen atoms. Oxygen can also be found as O3. Then it's called Ozon.

How many atoms are found in oxygen?

oxygen is an element. It is made of only atoms. So I guess 1, since 1 oxygen atom is 1 oxygen atoms. However, it has 6 protons and electrons.