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They share two pairs of electrons and have 2 lone pairs

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Q: How many paire of electrons do the two oxygen atoms in an oxygen molecule share with each other?
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Which 2 elements share electrons to form a molecule of water?

Water is H2O that 2 Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom per molecule.

Which type of bond holds atoms together in an oxygen molecule?

In a molecule of oxygen, the two atoms of oxygen are bonded to each other by covalent bonding. The two atoms of oxygen share their two valence electrons and achieve stable electronic configuration.

Oxygen and which other element mak make a water molecule?

One atom of Oxygen and two atoms of Hydrogen combine to form a water molecule by the shearing electrons, water has the chemical formula H2O.

How many total electrons did the oxygen atom have before it bonded covalently withthe hydrogen atoms to form a water molecule?

An unbonded oxygen atom has eight electrons, with six of the electrons located in the valence shell. Two of the valence electrons are unpaired, and therefore can undergo covalent bonding with other oxygen atoms or nonmetals (such as hydrogen).

An oxygen molecule contains a double bond because the two atoms of oxygen share a total of?

Oxygen has 6 electrons in the outer shell. A full shell needs 8 electrons. Each atom therefore needs to 'borrow' 2 electrons from the other. You could therefore consider that 4 electrons are shared in the molecule (each borrows 2 of the others electrons).

What molecule of oxygen atoms pull on the shared electrons with equal strength in opposite directions and cancel each other out?

You're thinking of diatomic oxygen, or O2. In the structural formula for O2, the two oxygen atoms share two pairs of electrons to form a double covalent bond. The unshared electrons are on the other side of the atom from the bond. Since the two oxygen atoms are identical, their number of electrons on either side are identical. This means the diatomic molecule has no charge difference, and is therefore non-polar. (All seven diatomics are non-polar for this same reason.)

How is a molecule formed?

Molecules are formed when atoms lose electrons and then attach themselves to other atoms

What are the three subatomic particles of a molecule?

A molecule contains atoms e.g. water (H2O) The atoms, ( hydrogen and oxygen, and all other atoms) contain protons, neutrons in the nucleus of the atoms and electrons in energy shells around the nucleus. Protons, neutrons and electrons are sub-atomic particles.

What bond occurs when a pair of electrons is unequally shared between two atoms?

In H2O the electrons are shared by the oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Although there are two hydrogen atoms, the electro-negativity (or ability to attract electrons) of the oxygen is greater than the hydrogens, therefore the electrons are pulled greater towards the oxygen resulting in the oxygen becoming "negatively charged" this results in the molecule becoming what is known as a "dipolar molecule". This is what causes water to be attracted to each other as each molecule has a positive and negative pole. Answered by Mason Rawling-Jones (currently 15).

Why are electrons shared equally in the Ozone and unequally in carbon dioxide?

The ozone molecule consists of 3 oxygen atoms, and all oxygen atoms have exactly the same attraction for electrons (technically called electronegativity) so naturally, they share electrons equally. The carbon dioxide molecule consists of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. Carbon does not attract electrons as strongly as oxygen does (it has a lower electronegativity) so therefore the electrons are not shared equally.

What type of bond forms when two atoms of oxygen form an oxygen molecule?

A covalent bond

How many oxygen atoms are in a molecule of ozones?

3 oxygen atoms, so one and a half oxygen molecules. 3 Oxygen atoms joined by a single and a double bond in a bent shape, it is one molecule. A normal molecule of Oxygen has two atoms joined by a double bond.