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Depends on the lender. Legally, one!

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Q: How many payments do you have to miss before your car can be repo?
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Related questions

How many days late on car payments before it is repo?

60 days

How many payments in the state of Texas can you be behind for repo?

Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

How far behind on a auto loan before they repo the auto?

3 payments

How many payments behind will Volkswagen repo your car for?


If you do a voluntary repo and get another dealerships car will that hurt your credit as bad as not making any payments for a repossession?

A repo is a repo is a repo.

How long can you be late on car payments before they can repo?

Read your contract. One day. As long as you are in default of the contract, the lender can repo the collateral. That could include no ins. coverage.

Will your car get repossessed if you have missed payments with Black Horse for two months?

Maybe, by Fedral law your car can get repossessed if you are ONE DAY past due on your car payment. I know many repo agents and they have a saying "Support your local repo man-- miss two payments" I wouldn't hold off much longer to pay them. You should call them and try to get a deferment or two.

When will they repo?

When you dont pay your payments on something

What are the California laws that vehicle repossessors must abide by?

repo men/women are only regulated by the contracts that they were hired buy, if you miss payments then dont expect to keep your things

Can you surrender your car to the loan lender to prevent repo and not have to make payments anymore in California?

NOT unless the LENDER agrees before you do IN WRITING.

If you are current on payments and leave a car at the dealer because you are way upside down does it hurt your credit?

Usually, your CR isn't great before you take an "upside down" loan. But, YES, it hurts your CR. A repo ia a repo is a repo on any CR.

How many payments do you have to catch up on to get your car back?

You have to get current on your payment, plus the repo fees, plus the repo agency storage fees. And you have to do it before the lienholder gets impatient and auctions off the car - once that's done, you're still responsible for the remaining balance.