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Too many. Nearly 800 people a year die in American in accidents where someone ran a red light. People think that they don't have to obey the law and that they won't get caught - they don't think that they are going to get into a wreck because they were dumb enough to run a red light.

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enough to keep the insurance companys working filling out claims

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We have no clue! Well - maybe the NSA knows, but nobody could know that.

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Q: How many pedestrians disobey traffic lights?
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What is a sentence using controlled?

That stoplight controlled traffic at this intersection for many years.

Where can I learn about traffic school online?

There are many traffic schools online. Which one you would be able to sign up for would depend on the regulations of the state you reside in, and want to get your license in.

Are led lights illegal?

You have not defined where! LED lights in the home are full legal, and are being used more and more. On cars, factory fitted LED lights are legal. Aftermarket ones vary in legality. As they are a change from standard, they may not be, but in many places they are accepted as the give the same light output.

How many feet away from a curb can a vehicle be parked before it is considered an obstruction of traffic or traffic hazard?

2 feetAnother View: There is no uniform answer that applies nationwide. Parking regulations and restrictions vary WIDELY according to the city, county, or state that you are in.

A malfunctioning traffic signal should be treated like what?

Treat it like a four-way!-claudiaA traffic signal can fail in several different ways. Correct actions depend on the conditions you have carefullyobserved.First, a power failure of some form will cause a signal to become dark for all approaches, including pedestrians. If there is no other form of traffic control, such as a police officer or flagger, treat a dark signal as you would a stop sign. Avoid the dangerous mistake of assuming that others also understand this. Come to a full stop and when safe to do so, proceed with caution.Second if a signal is in a flashing mode your approach will be either flashing red or flashing yellow. Treat a flashing red as a stop sign as mentioned above. Do not assume the other approaches are flashing red also. It is possible other approaches are flashing red, yellow or dark. I have also observed situations in which one approach is in a steady red state while the remainder of the intersection is flashing red. The key here is to observe all that you can before making a move to enter the intersection. Flashing yellow is not so common any more, but if you are facing a this signal your actions should be to proceed with caution and yield to vehicles and pedestrians who may already be in the intersection. Be careful as drivers behind you expect to proceed on the flashing yellow too. Sudden stops or needless stops can result in your vehicle being rear-ended.Third, another type of commonly reported failure is that a signal is 'stuck' implying that one or more approaches are not receiving green service. There are two main reasons for this to occur. The first is that a sensor for your approach has failed to detect your vehicle. Observe other approaches to see if others are being served and that only your approach is being missed. That is the hallmark sign that a sensor is not working. Lanes that have a single lane, such as a left turn lane or some sidestreets generally have at least two sensors. One at the stop bar and one about 30 feet before the stop bar. It could take up to two vehicles to pull in behind you before the second sensor is tripped. If traffic is busy enough that should only take a minute to happen. On the other hand, if nobody else is coming, you may be tempted to go. If you have to go, remember to be safe and as obedient to the signal as possible. If you are in a left turn lane, it is safer to signal a right lane change and proceed on a green light with through traffic. If you are stuck at a red light in a through lane it is safer to turn right and go with the flow, or in the case of a one way street to your left, to turn left.If the signal is not cycling to any approaches other than the main road or street it is likely the signal is coordinating with other signals along a major route. Each signal along the route cycles according to its local demands, but those events are allowed only when the coordination releases the main route. The coordination can change at different times of the day. When it does, the cycle will tend to stay with the main route longer while the signal is getting back into step with the overall system of intersections. I have worked with systems that use coordination cycles that are up to three minutes long and longer while changing cycles. If you have been waiting for a long time for the signal to change and you feel that you need to leave right away, consider the safest and most legally defensible method for doing so. You will need strong justification for running a red light, especially if your actions cause an accident.There are many types of failures, but the key to safety is to be aware of the conditions and always prepared to stop or take evasive action.--mark