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1000 people are going to die tomorrow

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Q: How many people are going to die tommorw?
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Are we going to die next year?

Many people die each day throughout the world. Many people will die during 2012, but not all of us. Get those myths out of your head; you have better things to do with your time.

How are you going to die on many 21st?

Today is May 21st. People say we are going to die, but honestly, what are the chances...? I personally do not think so, but everyone is different. See you tomorrow!

How many people die each year due to April fools?

im going to have to say 50 or 40

Is there going to be a hard die in 2012?

Who knows, who cares. But in 2000 people said we were going to die, and it didn't happen!!!!!

Who found out that you are going to die in 2012?

Well it turns out that alot of people are going to die but i wont... Im immortal...

Why do people fart after they die?

People toot after they die to release gases that they were going to release before to get it out of their system.

Is It True That We Are Going To DIE In 2012?

That some people will die is inevitable. That the world is going to end is nonsense circulated by ignorant people and believed only by the gullible.

Is everybody going to die in 2012?

No, an awful lot of people will die before then.

Are you going to die in 2012 and is the government going to let normal people in one of those big ships?

This is all fiction and no one is going to die.

How do you calculate when am you going to die?

you can't you will just die when you die no one can tell or know when there doin it for money and they don't know nothing bowt when people are going to die!!!!!

How many people die from surfing?

Skiing. Many people have died in avalanches and going extremely fast and then crashing into a tree. Surfing the only way to die is drowning pretty much.

Were going to die in 2012?

While it is inevitable that some people will die in 2012 it is not going to be the end of the world by any means