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It is claimed that more than 1,000 people have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, this has not been proven.

Though myth and scare mongering has to be taken into account making it about 750 people who have actually become lost in the Bermuda triangle

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Since 1492 over 1000 people have been recorded missing inside it.

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Q: How many people disappear in the Bermuda Triangle?
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What is the mystry of Barmuda triangle?

It is said that many ships and airplanes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle it is the magnetic feild that causes the compasses to go out of control and not work. New answer: Many ships and planes disappear in many parts of the oceans, not only in the Bermuda Triangle. It is doubtful that more disappear in the Bermuda Triangle than elsewhere.

When was the Bermuda triangle appeared?

Since the Bermuda Triangle is a part of Earth (so we know of), so it must have appeared at the time the Earth was born. No one knows why the Bermuda Triangle somehow make planes,ships,submarines,and many other stuff mysteriously '' disappear'' when they enter it.

How many people gone missing in the Bermuda triangle?

about 29

How many things have disappeared into the Bermuda triangle?

Over 1,000,523 People/ objects have dissapeared into the Bermuda triangle...That is including dissapearing objects/ People from Hundreds of years ago.

How many people got lost in the Bermuda triangle in 1976?


Who found Bermuda triangle?

No one found it. It is an area between Florida and and the Bahamas. It is very much a manufactured myth that many vessels mysteriously disappear there.

What is the name of the airport near the Bermuda triangle?

There are many airports near the so-called Bermuda Triangle.

What are the evidences of Bermuda triangle?

There are many legends that surround the Bermuda Triangle. There have been deaths reported, as well as ships and plains disappearing. However, there is no direct evidence that the Bermuda Triangle is directly responsible.

How many kilometers in Bermuda triangle?


Is the Bermuda Triangle Mystery real?

Yes, the Bermuda Triangle is actually shaped as a tringle. Bermuda is an island but the Triangle is not an island. The Tirangle covers the area down from the coast of Florida all the way down by the Carribean and across, as shaped like a triangle.

Where do ships go if the disappear in the Bermuda triangle?

because humans unlike many things on this earth do silly things for the thrill, or simply to ship things that we don't really need

Does the Bermuda triangle ever get full at the bottom?

The Bermuda triangle is in the middle of the ocean, right there between the Caribbean and the Atlantic. It is full of water but that is about it. We can not fill that sea up with anything. And if you are asking about things that disappear there then it has only been like so many dozens of ships and planes; barely enough to fill a giant warehouse.