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There have been several people prosecuted this year alone for their role in bullying someone. Five people who admitted bullying Phoebe Prince who committed suicide because of the bullying were sentenced to probation and community service for what they did to her.

The system is not perfect, but laws and acceptance are changing. Please don't let the bully win!

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we will never have a true answer, there are too many people who were bullied but never told anyone.

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How do people get over the fact that they get bullied?

Somekids go into therapy because of their lack of self esteem. Bullying depresses kids and they cut themselves and their pubic hairs(;

Should we as people try to stop bullying?

We should because bullying is like teasing and hurting other people's feelings.

How many times do people die because of bullying a year?

lots and lots if it is violet bullying.

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How is it different other bullying?

because people are dumb

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People are more interested in gun control, bullying, suicide.

Why is bullying unhealthy?

bullying can traumatize the victim but usually if a person is bullying they are upset themselves and take it out on other people. it is unhealthy because it can teach other people bad habits and can ruin someone's life

Why not stop bullying?

because most people wont listen and some people like it

Why is bullying bad?

bullying is bad because you are making someone feel as if they are nothing. bullying is just another way to express hate and distress. so don't do it now that you know what it is

Why is bullying harmful?

It damages your confidence and your self esteem.

Why do some people think it's funny when a victim committed suicide from bullying or cyber-bullying?

People laugh at other people who commit suiside because they want them to die and suffer.

Why would you get help with bulling?

You would actually would need help with bullying because bullying can lead to serious problems, it can lead to people self harming there-selves for example cutting there self and can lead to not eating and can also lead to people fighting. Bullying gets taken seriously and that is because bullying can involve racism and also if people are bullies, you can report it to the police Hope this has helped