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there are 15.000 people working for far-trade chocolate

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Q: How many people now work in fair trade?
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What is fair trade and what is the purpose of fair trade?

fair trade is when peaple makes kids work like animal.(dont know the rest!)

What work do fair trade do?

They can work with many countries like... Cameroon, Mali, Egypt, India, Peru etc

Why does Chris Martin have fair trade on his hand?

He has it to promote fair trade. It's a programme to help people especially in Africa for people to get a chance to have their work and products on the market at the same price of other products I believe. To know more about it put fair trade on Google and you'll find more information.

Why do fair-trade help people?

there are laws that cover what people can reasonably expect when it comes to trading with other people. The government has set up infrastructure that specialised in these sort of regulation's. the people that work for the fair trade organisation get paid to look after the interests of people doing business by the government.

Do big chocolate companies use fair trade?

Fair trade chocolate is chocolate that is made by people who are paid well for their time and labor, as opposed to slave made chocolate, which is made by slaves, or people who are paid a very small amount for the work they do. Fair trade chocolate is more expensive to buy, because the makers of that chocolate are paid a fair amount the slave don't get paid:p

What is fair trade clothing?

fair trade clothing is buying clothing directly from producers in developing countries at a fair price, currently fair trade charities try to make sure they get the best price for their hard constant work.

How does supporting fair trade help consumers?

They are able to know that their purchases are not supporting unfair labor practices.

Why are fair trade products more expensive to buy?

Fair trade ensures the workers who make/find the products have enough money to work in humane conditions and get paid the right amount of money for the work they do and the hours they work.

Why is the slave trade in with the slave trade?

it is in with the slave trade because many people worked very hard to make money or get land and some people just dont do any work. So they brought people who did work to do the work for them.

What work has fair trade done for justice?

chris is a bell sniffer

What country does the fair trade workers work?

Ghana, but in general, west Africa.

What are your views about fair trade in food products. Is it good or a bad idea?

I think it is a good idea because it promotes equality and it gives a fair deal to people who work in some of the poorest countries in the world.