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Q: How many recessive alles must a person have to have albinism?
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Albinism is a recessive trait in humans that is controlled by a single gene how many recessive alleles must a person have to have albinism?


How many recessive alleles must a person have to have albinism?


How many recessive traits must a person have to have albinism?

2 ~ apex

How many recessives alleles must a person have to have albinism?


How does albinism affect the lifestyle of a person who has it?

People with albinism have many limitations. These limitations include burning easily in the sun and have extremely sensitive eyes.

Is it possible to stop albinism?

No. Albinism is in a person's genetics and you can't stop a person from having it, or change someone who already has it. There are, however, surgeries that albino people have to option of having to make life easier as someone with albinism as many of the have eye problems and increased sensitivity to sun.

What are the chances of having an albino child if the mother is white and the father is black?

Both parents must be carriers of the recessive "albinism" gene. For people who do not have albinism, there is only a 1 in 100 chance that they are carriers of the recessive gene. If both parents are normally pigmented, that is, neither one of them has albinism, but they both happen to be carriers of the recessive "albinism" gene. Then there is a 1 in 4 chance they will have a child with albinism each time they concieve. One person in 17,000 in the U.S.A. has some type of albinism.

Help for people with albinism?

there are many surgical treatments for the lack of eyesight and sch for people who have albinism

What is the cause of little or no melanin production in albinism?

Albinism is caused by genetic mutations that affect the production of a pigment called melanin. There is a cell called the melanocyte that is responsible for giving skin, hair, and eyes pigmentation. In albinism, the melanocytes are present, but genetic mutations interfere with their pigment production or their ability to distribute it to keratinocytes (the major cell type comprising the epidermis, or outer layer of the skin).There are currently five known genetic types of albinism, the most common being oculocutaneous type 1 (OCA1) and type 2 (OCA2). Oculocutaneous means affecting the eyes and skin ("oculo" meaning eye and "cutaneous" meaning skin).The genetic mutation is usually the result of both parents having the recessive gene. However, some forms of albinism have resulted when only one parent had the recessive gene.It is the condition that is caused by inability of the body to produce a melanin pigment. Albinism is a recessive trait inherited disease, meaning you have inherited two albinism genes, one from each of your parent.When, say, first cousins or brothers and sisters marry their children have to many of the same gene, that happening, it ends up in albism. there is no 'cure' for albinism You are born with it and that's that.I f 2 parents, a mother and a father, each had 1 albinism gene each of their children would have a 1 in 2 chance of carrying the gene themselves and a 1 in 4 chance of being albino that is the cause of albinism

How long can a recessive gene stay hidden in a person?

A recessive gene will stay with a person for their entire life. Whether it will become obvious that the person is carrying a recessive gene is dependant upon how many copies of the recessive gene the person carries - the effects of a recessive gene will only become obvious if two copies of the gene are carried. Excluding the option of undergoing DNA testing for the recessive gene in question, it is perfectly feasible for a person to live the whole of their life whilst never knowing they carry a recessive gene for a certain condition.

How many people in the US suffer from albinism?


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